Press Releases

Showing: December, 2006

Statement from Republican Co-Floor Leader Owen Laughlin

“Mary Fallin has done a remarkable job serving Oklahoma as Lt. Governor for the past 12 years--the first woman ever elected to that post. She has fulfilled those duties with determination and grace. Now she leaves that office to become only the second woman since statehood to represent us in Congress. I know she will continue to be a source of pride for all of Oklahoma as she begins her new role in Washington D.C."

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State Sen. Kathleen Wilcoxson has filed legislation declaring English as the official language of Oklahoma. Wilcoxson, R-Oklahoma City, said she filed the bill at the request of numerous citizens.

“The concern here is the need to recognize that English is the language in which we conduct state business,” Wilcoxson said. “This legislative proposal simply clarifies that need and places it in our statutes.”

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Senator Johnnie Crutchfield (D-Ardmore): Todays revenue projections by the State Board of Equalization are a testament to a strong economy and shows that Oklahoma is truly on the move. These numbers are also a clear indication to anyone looking to relocate here, that Oklahomans work hard and our state is open for business.
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Coffee Announces Key Leadership Staff

State Capitol, Oklahoma City Senate Co-President Pro Tempore designate Glenn Coffee announced former State Rep. Fred Morgan will serve as Coffees Senior Policy Advisor and Legal Counsel for the 2007-08 legislative sessions.

Fred is an exceptional leader and is one of the sharpest political minds in our state. He will be a tremendous asset for Senate Republicans as we enter into this era of historic parity in the State Senate, Coffee said.

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With the beginning of the 2007 session approaching, State Senate President Pro Tempore Mike Morgan and Co-President Pro Tempore Glenn Coffee Friday announced committee assignments for the 51st Oklahoma Legislature.

As a result of the November 7 elections, the Senate is now tied with 24 Democrats and 24 Republicans. As part of a power-sharing agreement announced by the leaders last week, each committee will be headed by co-chairsone from each partyand every committee will have an equal number of Republican and Democratic members.

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Morgan Announces Democratic Co-Chairs

Senate President Pro Tempore Mike Morgan has announced the Democratic co-chairs of Senate committees for the 51st Oklahoma Legislature, which will convene in February.

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Statement by Co-President Pro Tempore Designate Glenn Coffee

“While I am still reviewing Tuesday’s ruling, my initial reaction is that of disappointment, because I believe it will lead to an increase in frivolous lawsuits, higher insurance costs, and less access to healthcare for our citizens. Those are the very things were attempting to stop with this legislation. This makes it imperative for us to revisit the issue of lawsuit reform during the 2007 legislative session.”

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Senator Kenneth Corn believes state government in Oklahoma cannot afford to repeat the mistakes of the past – going on a spending spree when times are good and, thus, creating a financial crisis when oil and gas prices drop. A bill filed by the Poteau Democrat would protect against the roller coaster budgeting that results from the cyclic nature of energy prices, Corn said Wednesday.
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Senate Co-President Pro Tempore designate Glenn Coffee announced his appointments for Republican committee co-chairs today.

As part of the historic power-sharing agreement announced this week, each Senate committee will have equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans, as well as a co-chair from each party who will share the responsibility of running the committee.

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Senate President Pro Tempore Mike Morgan Tuesday announced the members of his Democratic leadership team for the 51st Oklahoma Legislature.

Morgan, D-Stillwater, named Senator Charlie Laster, D-Shawnee, as Democratic co-floor leader.

“I have complete confidence in Senator Laster’s ability to work with his Republican counterpart in managing the daily floor activities in the Senate. As chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee for the last two years, Senator Laster has deftly navigated difficult waters to emerge as a respected leader in the Senate.”

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Gumm Re-Files Measure to Protect Women

OKLAHOMA CITY – A bill by Senator Jay Paul Gumm would give the Oklahoma Legislature another chance to protect women left out of a state law governing small group health insurance policies.

Under current Oklahoma law, every health insurance policy – no matter how small the group – must cover prostate examinations for men. There is, however, no requirement that obstetrical/gynecological examinations for women be covered by health insurance group policies with 50 or fewer members.

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Senate Republicans Fill Leadership Posts

State Capitol, Oklahoma City – Republicans in the Oklahoma State Senate have selected their leadership team for the 2007-08 legislative sessions, Co-President Pro Tempore designate Glenn Coffee announced Wednesday.

Coffee, who was elected co-president pro tempore designate by his caucus on Tuesday, named Senator Owen Laughlin of Woodward to serve as Republican co-floor leader.

Coffee also announced that Senator James A. Williamson of Tulsa will serve on the Senate GOP’s leadership team as Republican leader emeritus.

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Democrats and Republicans in the Oklahoma State Senate have reached a historic agreement to share power, Senate leaders announced Tuesday. The 48-member Senate has an unprecedented tie of 24 Republicans to 24 Democrats.

The leaders said the historic agreement will ensure that the Senates business can be conducted in an orderly fashion, and follows several weeks of intense negotiations. A tentative agreement was reached by negotiators last Friday, and it was formally approved by both parties caucuses Tuesday morning.

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In response to Congress’ failure to pass a nearly $4.5 billion agriculture disaster relief package on Tuesday, state Sen. Jeff Rabon on Wednesday said the state must step forward with a comprehensive assistance package for Oklahoma farmers and ranchers.

“Oklahoma livestock producers and farmers are currently facing dire conditions brought on by one of the worst drought periods in state history,” said Rabon, D-Hugo. “This two-year drought cycle has resulted in the poorest wheat crop in decades.”

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Statement by Senate President Pro Tempore Mike Morgan

I commend the board for their sound decision to name Southeastern Oklahoma State University President Glen D. Johnson the new Chancellor of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.

President Johnson has a rich history of being an effective and brilliant leader in the State of Oklahoma while serving as Speaker of the State House of Representatives, and then as President of Southeastern Oklahoma State University.

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