Floor Agenda
1st Regular Session of the 60th Oklahoma Legislature
Senate Floor Agenda
Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
Dr. Keith Patterson, DO, Owasso, Senator Seifried
- SR8 By Paxton of the Senate
Resolution recognizing and celebrating the 2024 University of Oklahoma softball team and coach Patty Gasso.
- SB445 By Hamilton et al of the Senate and Turner of the House
Age of consent; increasing age of consent for sexual intercourse; modifying criteria for certain offense. Emergency.
- SB942 By Thompson et al of the Senate and Gise of the House
Education; prohibiting certain discrimination on certain basis against students or employees. Effective date. Emergency.
SB942 (2-24-25) (THOMPSON) FA1.PDF
- SB991 By Thompson et al of the Senate and Gise et al of the House
Discrimination; adopting certain definition of anti-Semitism; stating purposes for use of certain definition. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB484 By Standridge et al of the Senate and West (Kevin) of the House
Municipalities; prohibiting approval of certain facility within certain locations. Effective date.
SB484 (3-11-25) (STANDRIDGE) FA1.PDF
- SB132 By Burns et al of the Senate and Boles of the House
Corporation Commission; establishing guidelines for plugging of shut-in gas wells. Effective date.
- SB235 By Pugh of the Senate and Kerbs of the House
[Teachers; establishing the Grow Your Own Educator Program; providing for grant application process. Effective date. Emergency.]
- SB369 By Hines of the Senate and George of the House
Assault and battery; modifying scope of certain unlawful act. Effective date.
- SB395 By Bergstrom of the Senate and Kendrix of the House
State Board of Examiners of Psychologists; extending sunset date. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB396 By Bergstrom of the Senate and Kendrix of the House
Oklahoma Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors; extending sunset date. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB397 By Bergstrom of the Senate and Kendrix of the House
State Board of Behavioral Heath Licensure; extending sunset date. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB424 By Gillespie et al of the Senate and Hefner of the House
Community health workers; creating the Oklahoma Community Health Worker Act; providing for voluntary certification. Effective date.
- SB638 By Daniels of the Senate and Bashore of the House
Unfair Sales Act; modifying definitions. Effective date.
- SB650 By Paxton of the Senate and Harris of the House
Public utilities; requiring governing bodies of public utilities to create plan for certain compliance; modifying damages in the Governmental Tort Claims Act. Effective date.
- SB652 By Paxton of the Senate and Osburn of the House
Administration of elections; modifying permissible dates for certain elections; authorizing special elections called for certain purposes to be held on certain dates. Effective date.
SB652 (3-24-25) (PAXTON) FS FA2.PDF (Req. 1890)
- SB669 By Gillespie of the Senate and Roe of the House
Practice of dentistry; modifying various provisions of the State Dental Act. Effective date.
SB669 (3-24-25) (GILLESPIE) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1872)
- SB675 By Jech of the Senate and Newton of the House
Oklahoma Law Enforcement Telecommunication Systems Division; authorizing the Department of Public Safety to provide certain information to Oklahoma Turnpike Authority. Effective date.
- SB773 By Gollihare et al of the Senate and Stinson of the House
Pharmacy benefit managers; modifying definitions; prohibiting certain circumstances; requiring nonpayment under providing venue for certain court proceeding; allowing Attorney General to obtain certain information. Effective date.
- SB920 By Rosino of the Senate and Miller of the House
Aerospace infrastructure; requiring certain permit for construction within certain radius of a heliport or vertiport; granting Oklahoma Department of Aerospace and Aeronautics certain authority. Effective date.
SB920 (3-24-25) (ROSINO) FA1.PDF
- SB993 By Gollihare et al of the Senate and Stinson of the House
Pharmacy benefit managers; establishing requirements and limits for certain audit reports and findings. Emergency.
SB993 (3-18-25) (GOLLIHARE) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1843)
- SB1068 By Rosino of the Senate and Moore of the House
Real estate brokers; requiring written memorialization of certain working relationship; establishing certain limitations. Effective date.
SB1068 (3-24-25) (ROSINO) FA1.PDF
- SB37 By Weaver of the Senate and Moore of the House
Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation; authorizing response to certain events; creating revolving fund. Effective date.
- SB48 By Rader of the Senate and Caldwell (Chad) of the House
Income tax; limiting certain capital gains deduction to certain tax years. Effective date.
- SB59 By Rader of the Senate and Schreiber of the House
[Sales tax; providing exemption for certain organization providing clothing or supplies to certain students. Effective date.]
- SB224 By Seifried of the Senate and Caldwell (Chad) of the House
[Student data; creating the Oklahoma Education and Workforce Statewide Longitudinal Data System. Effective date. Emergency.]
SB224 (3-13-25) (SEIFRIED) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1853)
- SB258 By Haste of the Senate and Miller of the House
[Appropriations; making certain appropriations to the County Improvements for Roads and Bridges Fund. Effective date. Emergency.]
- SB263 By Murdock of the Senate and Dobrinski of the House
[Invasive species; expanding provisions of the Terry Peach Water Restoration Act. Effective date.]
- SB289 By Pugh of the Senate and Fetgatter of the House
[Sales tax; exemptions for governmental and nonprofit entities; modifying period of exemption for certain museums. Emergency.]
- SB291 By Pugh of the Senate and Kendrix of the House
[Income tax credit; providing certain tax credit. Effective date.]
- SB299 By Rader of the Senate and Kendrix of the House
[Income tax; modifying certain apportionment factor for calculation of Oklahoma taxable income. Effective date.]
- SB304 By Rader of the Senate and Kendrix et al of the House
[Income tax; limiting certain personal exemption to certain tax years; modifying amount of standard deduction for certain tax years. Effective date.]
- SB324 By Thompson of the Senate and Hill of the House
[Income tax; providing credit for certain research and development expenditures. Effective date.]
SB324 (3-24-25) (THOMPSON) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1842)
- SB1114 By Woods of the Senate and Kannady of the House
Constitutional amendment; providing credit for owners of property that qualify for certain limitation the growth of fair cash value. Ballot title.
- SB717 By Nice of the Senate and Lowe (Jason) of the House
[Capitol-Medical Center Improvement and Zoning District; modifying certain boundaries and zoning authority. Effective date.]
SB717 (2-24-25) (NICE) FA1.PDF
SB717 (2-24-25) (NICE) RT FA2.PDF
- SB68 By Green of the Senate and Bashore of the House
[Information Technology Consolidation and Coordination Act; adding certain entities to definition of certain term. Emergency.]
SB68 (3-24-25) (GREEN) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1881)
- SB410 By Stanley of the Senate and Lowe (Dick) of the House
Schools; requiring students beginning certain school year to complete a computer science unit to graduate with standard diploma. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB469 By Woods of the Senate and Boles of the House
Oklahoma Emission Reduction Technology Rebate Program; modifying eligibility requirements. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB480 By Green of the Senate and Boles of the House
Utilities; modifying certain exception to definition. Effective date.
SB480 (3-24-25) (GREEN) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1848)
- SB515 By Frix et al of the Senate and Schreiber of the House
Health insurance; authorizing health care provider to accept certain payments; requiring application of certain charge to deductible and maximum out-of-pocket expense. Effective date.
SB515 (3-24-25) (FRIX) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1960)
- SB585 By Coleman of the Senate and Luttrell of the House
Amusement and sports; state-tribal gaming and Model Tribal Gaming Compact; authorizing issuance of certain license; requiring certain revenue sharing; authorizing certain event pools and Internet event pools. Effective date.
- SB623 By Coleman of the Senate and Pfeiffer of the House
Protection from Domestic Abuse Act; requiring service in certain location; requiring initial attempt of service of protective orders upon defendant within specified time frame. Emergency.
- SB644 By Thompson of the Senate and Stinson of the House
Massage Therapy Practice Act; updating statutory language; providing exceptions for certain preemption. Effective date.
- SB647 By Frix of the Senate and Stinson of the House
[Cities and towns; establishing requirements for legislative municipal procedures. Effective date.]
- SB713 By Jech of the Senate and Newton of the House
Wind energy facilities; requiring newly-established facilities to apply for certain technology system by certain date; providing for certain cost recovery. Effective date.
- SB860 By Weaver of the Senate and Kannady of the House
Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; adding certain substance to Schedule I. Effective date.
- SB956 By Daniels of the Senate and Moore of the House
Courts; modifying residency qualification for certain judicial candidacy. Effective date.
- SB1000 By Bergstrom of the Senate and West (Josh) of the House
[Grand River Dam Authority; increasing bond capacity. Emergency.]
- SB1014 By Stewart of the Senate and West (Kevin) of the House
Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974; requiring local bid preference for certain public construction contracts. Effective date.
- SB1024 By Bergstrom et al of the Senate and Kendrix of the House
Administrative rules; requiring revocation of certain rules upon certain permanent rule adoption; providing penalty. Effective date.
SB1024 (3-04-25) (BERGSTROM) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1788)
- SB1039 By Alvord of the Senate and Cantrell of the House
Medical marijuana license; modifying grounds for certain denials. Effective date.
SB1039 (3-18-25) (ALVORD) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1862)
- SB1077 By Murdock et al of the Senate and Strom et al of the House
[Fish and wildlife; transporting wildlife. Effective date.]
SB1077 (3-18-25) (MURDOCK) RT FA2.PDF