Floor Agenda

1st Regular Session of the 60th Oklahoma Legislature

Senate Floor Agenda

Tuesday, March 25th, 2025




Dr. Keith Patterson, DO, Owasso, Senator Seifried





  1. SR8 By Paxton of the Senate

Resolution recognizing and celebrating the 2024 University of Oklahoma softball team and coach Patty Gasso.




  1. SB445 By Hamilton et al of the Senate and Turner of the House

Age of consent; increasing age of consent for sexual intercourse; modifying criteria for certain offense. Emergency.


  1. SB942 By Thompson et al of the Senate and Gise of the House

Education; prohibiting certain discrimination on certain basis against students or employees. Effective date. Emergency.


            SB942 (2-24-25) (THOMPSON) FA1.PDF


  1. SB991 By Thompson et al of the Senate and Gise et al of the House

Discrimination; adopting certain definition of anti-Semitism; stating purposes for use of certain definition. Effective date. Emergency.


  1. SB484 By Standridge et al of the Senate and West (Kevin) of the House

Municipalities; prohibiting approval of certain facility within certain locations. Effective date.


            SB484 (3-11-25) (STANDRIDGE) FA1.PDF


  1. SB132 By Burns et al of the Senate and Boles of the House

Corporation Commission; establishing guidelines for plugging of shut-in gas wells. Effective date.


            SB132 CS FI.PDF


            SB132 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB235 By Pugh of the Senate and Kerbs of the House

[Teachers; establishing the Grow Your Own Educator Program; providing for grant application process. Effective date. Emergency.]


            SB235 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB369 By Hines of the Senate and George of the House

Assault and battery; modifying scope of certain unlawful act. Effective date.


            SB369 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB395 By Bergstrom of the Senate and Kendrix of the House

State Board of Examiners of Psychologists; extending sunset date. Effective date. Emergency.


  1. SB396 By Bergstrom of the Senate and Kendrix of the House

Oklahoma Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors; extending sunset date. Effective date. Emergency.


  1. SB397 By Bergstrom of the Senate and Kendrix of the House

State Board of Behavioral Heath Licensure; extending sunset date. Effective date. Emergency.


  1. SB424 By Gillespie et al of the Senate and Hefner of the House

Community health workers; creating the Oklahoma Community Health Worker Act; providing for voluntary certification. Effective date.


  1. SB638 By Daniels of the Senate and Bashore of the House

Unfair Sales Act; modifying definitions. Effective date.


  1. SB650 By Paxton of the Senate and Harris of the House

Public utilities; requiring governing bodies of public utilities to create plan for certain compliance; modifying damages in the Governmental Tort Claims Act. Effective date.


  1. SB652 By Paxton of the Senate and Osburn of the House

Administration of elections; modifying permissible dates for certain elections; authorizing special elections called for certain purposes to be held on certain dates. Effective date.


            SB652 (3-24-25) (PAXTON) FS FA2.PDF  (Req. 1890)


            SB652 CS FI.PDF


            SB652 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB669 By Gillespie of the Senate and Roe of the House

Practice of dentistry; modifying various provisions of the State Dental Act. Effective date.


            SB669 (3-24-25) (GILLESPIE) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1872)


  1. SB675 By Jech of the Senate and Newton of the House

Oklahoma Law Enforcement Telecommunication Systems Division; authorizing the Department of Public Safety to provide certain information to Oklahoma Turnpike Authority. Effective date.


  1. SB773 By Gollihare et al of the Senate and Stinson of the House

Pharmacy benefit managers; modifying definitions; prohibiting certain circumstances; requiring nonpayment under providing venue for certain court proceeding; allowing Attorney General to obtain certain information. Effective date.


  1. SB920 By Rosino of the Senate and Miller of the House

Aerospace infrastructure; requiring certain permit for construction within certain radius of a heliport or vertiport; granting Oklahoma Department of Aerospace and Aeronautics certain authority. Effective date.


            SB920 (3-24-25) (ROSINO) FA1.PDF


  1. SB993 By Gollihare et al of the Senate and Stinson of the House

Pharmacy benefit managers; establishing requirements and limits for certain audit reports and findings. Emergency.


            SB993 (3-18-25) (GOLLIHARE) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1843)


  1. SB1068 By Rosino of the Senate and Moore of the House

Real estate brokers; requiring written memorialization of certain working relationship; establishing certain limitations. Effective date.


            SB1068 (3-24-25) (ROSINO) FA1.PDF


  1. SB37 By Weaver of the Senate and Moore of the House

Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation; authorizing response to certain events; creating revolving fund. Effective date.


  1. SB48 By Rader of the Senate and Caldwell (Chad) of the House

Income tax; limiting certain capital gains deduction to certain tax years. Effective date.


            SB48 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB59 By Rader of the Senate and Schreiber of the House

[Sales tax; providing exemption for certain organization providing clothing or supplies to certain students. Effective date.]


            SB59 CA1 FI.PDF


            SB59 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB224 By Seifried of the Senate and Caldwell (Chad) of the House

[Student data; creating the Oklahoma Education and Workforce Statewide Longitudinal Data System. Effective date. Emergency.]


            SB224 (3-13-25) (SEIFRIED) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1853)


            SB224 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB258 By Haste of the Senate and Miller of the House

[Appropriations; making certain appropriations to the County Improvements for Roads and Bridges Fund. Effective date. Emergency.]


            SB258 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB263 By Murdock of the Senate and Dobrinski of the House

[Invasive species; expanding provisions of the Terry Peach Water Restoration Act. Effective date.]


            SB263 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB289 By Pugh of the Senate and Fetgatter of the House

[Sales tax; exemptions for governmental and nonprofit entities; modifying period of exemption for certain museums. Emergency.]


  1. SB291 By Pugh of the Senate and Kendrix of the House

[Income tax credit; providing certain tax credit. Effective date.]


            SB291 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB299 By Rader of the Senate and Kendrix of the House

[Income tax; modifying certain apportionment factor for calculation of Oklahoma taxable income. Effective date.]


            SB299 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB304 By Rader of the Senate and Kendrix et al of the House

[Income tax; limiting certain personal exemption to certain tax years; modifying amount of standard deduction for certain tax years. Effective date.]


            SB304 CS FI.PDF


            SB304 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB324 By Thompson of the Senate and Hill of the House

[Income tax; providing credit for certain research and development expenditures. Effective date.]


            SB324 (3-24-25) (THOMPSON) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1842)


            SB324 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB1114 By Woods of the Senate and Kannady of the House

Constitutional amendment; providing credit for owners of property that qualify for certain limitation the growth of fair cash value. Ballot title.


            SB1114 CS FI.PDF


            SB1114 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB717 By Nice of the Senate and Lowe (Jason) of the House

[Capitol-Medical Center Improvement and Zoning District; modifying certain boundaries and zoning authority. Effective date.]


            SB717 (2-24-25) (NICE) FA1.PDF


            SB717 (2-24-25) (NICE) RT FA2.PDF


  1. SB68 By Green of the Senate and Bashore of the House

[Information Technology Consolidation and Coordination Act; adding certain entities to definition of certain term. Emergency.]


            SB68 (3-24-25) (GREEN) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1881)


  1. SB410 By Stanley of the Senate and Lowe (Dick) of the House

Schools; requiring students beginning certain school year to complete a computer science unit to graduate with standard diploma. Effective date. Emergency.


  1. SB469 By Woods of the Senate and Boles of the House

Oklahoma Emission Reduction Technology Rebate Program; modifying eligibility requirements. Effective date. Emergency.


            SB469 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB480 By Green of the Senate and Boles of the House

Utilities; modifying certain exception to definition. Effective date.


            SB480 (3-24-25) (GREEN) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1848)


  1. SB515 By Frix et al of the Senate and Schreiber of the House

Health insurance; authorizing health care provider to accept certain payments; requiring application of certain charge to deductible and maximum out-of-pocket expense. Effective date.


            SB515 (3-24-25) (FRIX) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1960)


            SB515 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB585 By Coleman of the Senate and Luttrell of the House

Amusement and sports; state-tribal gaming and Model Tribal Gaming Compact; authorizing issuance of certain license; requiring certain revenue sharing; authorizing certain event pools and Internet event pools. Effective date.


  1. SB623 By Coleman of the Senate and Pfeiffer of the House

Protection from Domestic Abuse Act; requiring service in certain location; requiring initial attempt of service of protective orders upon defendant within specified time frame. Emergency.


  1. SB644 By Thompson of the Senate and Stinson of the House

Massage Therapy Practice Act; updating statutory language; providing exceptions for certain preemption. Effective date.


  1. SB647 By Frix of the Senate and Stinson of the House

[Cities and towns; establishing requirements for legislative municipal procedures. Effective date.]


  1. SB713 By Jech of the Senate and Newton of the House

Wind energy facilities; requiring newly-established facilities to apply for certain technology system by certain date; providing for certain cost recovery. Effective date.


            SB713 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB860 By Weaver of the Senate and Kannady of the House

Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; adding certain substance to Schedule I. Effective date.


  1. SB956 By Daniels of the Senate and Moore of the House

Courts; modifying residency qualification for certain judicial candidacy. Effective date.


  1. SB1000 By Bergstrom of the Senate and West (Josh) of the House

[Grand River Dam Authority; increasing bond capacity. Emergency.]


            SB1000 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB1014 By Stewart of the Senate and West (Kevin) of the House

Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974; requiring local bid preference for certain public construction contracts. Effective date.


  1. SB1024 By Bergstrom et al of the Senate and Kendrix of the House

Administrative rules; requiring revocation of certain rules upon certain permanent rule adoption; providing penalty. Effective date.


            SB1024 (3-04-25) (BERGSTROM) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1788)


            SB1024 FA1 FI.PDF


            SB1024 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB1039 By Alvord of the Senate and Cantrell of the House

Medical marijuana license; modifying grounds for certain denials. Effective date.


            SB1039 (3-18-25) (ALVORD) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1862)


  1. SB1077 By Murdock et al of the Senate and Strom et al of the House

[Fish and wildlife; transporting wildlife. Effective date.]


            SB1077 (3-18-25) (MURDOCK) RT FA2.PDF