Press Releases

Showing: July, 2022

Sen. George Young, D-Oklahoma City, held a Press Conference on 7/19/22

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State Sen. Mark Allen, chairman of the Oklahoma Sportsman Caucus and member of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation executive council, said he has grave concerns regarding the introduction of House Resolution 8167 in the U.S.

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Budget Break Down

Here in Oklahoma, one of the main topics of conversation is the weather, but I’d say transportation is right after that. People want to know when a road they rely on is going to be repaired, or how long before all the darn road construction

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OKLAHOMA CITY – Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat announced the approval of dozens of interim study requests on Friday. In total, members submitted 60 requests, of which 41 were approved and have been assigned to the Senate standing committees with jurisdiction over those policy areas.  

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