Press Releases

Showing: July, 2011
The Congresswoman Proudly Waved "Don't Tread on Me" Flag from House Gallery

Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Andrew Rice

"Now that Gov. Fallin's job is to responsibly run state government, she has belatedly chosen to comment on the gridlock and anti-government extremism in Washington that she herself proudly helped stoke and solidify over several years as a Congresswoman from Oklahoma's 5th district.

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State Sen. Jerry Ellis today issued the following statement regarding Gov. Mary Fallin’s recent request that Oklahomans pray for rain:

“Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin asked all Oklahomans to pray for rain Sunday, July 17. With drought conditions so extreme, we should be praying. The Valliant United Methodist Church has had rain on our prayer list for several weeks.

With our current conditions calling for prayers, is it necessary for Oklahoma to spend millions of taxpayer dollars on a study to determine if we have surplus water to sell to Texas?

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Says funding for our best and brightest is a legal and moral obligation

Sen. Sean Burrage today said State Superintendent Janet Barresi's decision to defund the National Board Certification Teacher (NBCT) incentive program represents an epic failure of leadership.

“This is a slap in the face to our best and brightest teachers,” said Burrage, D-Claremore. “Having for years assured Oklahoma teachers of this incentive for their efforts at achieving National Board Certification, funding this program is not just our legal duty, it is a moral obligation.”

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Sen. Jim Wilson announced Thursday that he is challenging the constitutionality of the
Senate Redistricting Plan approved this session.


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Places "equal blame" at feet of Senate and House Republicans, and Gov. Fallin

Senate Democratic Leader Andrew Rice fears the worst is yet to come for Oklahoma school children, and places as much blame in the hands of Senate and House Republicans, and Governor Fallin, as is being justly given to Superintendent Janet Barresi.

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Sen. Greg Treat today announced plans to introduce legislation requiring parents or guardians to quickly notify authorities of a child’s death or disappearance. Treat said his office received numerous calls and e-mails from citizens hoping to prevent tragic cases like that of Caylee Anthony, and ensure that justice be done for those who would harm innocent children.

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State Sen. Ralph Shortey (R-Oklahoma City) issued the following statement on the passing of state Rep. Rusty Farley.

“The Legislature and southeastern Oklahoma has experienced a terrible loss with the passing of Rep. Farley. I was so fortunate to get to work closely with him this session and get to know him not only as a respected colleague, but also as a trusted friend. We became very close and I will miss him dearly.

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“Although his service in the legislature was tragically cut short, Rep. Farley left a very positive, lasting impression on Oklahoma. His integrity and conservative leadership greatly benefitted our state. My prayers and condolences go out to his family.”

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