Press Releases

Showing: February, 2009
City zoning still permitted

Senate Bill 452 by Senator Mike Schulz, R-Altus, passed out of the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee on Monday, calling for adequate protection of livestock throughout Oklahoma.

The provisions in Senate Bill 452 limit the power of political subdivisions in Oklahoma when dealing with the care and handling of livestock. Local legislation in violation of this bill is void and unenforceable. However, Schulz says the intent of the legislation is not to preempt a city’s ability to zone.

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State Sen. Johnnie Crutchfield, D-Ardmore, said he will do everything he can to coordinate assistance at the state and federal level after a deadly February storm system left more than two dozen injured or dead in his district. As of 10 a.m., the official death toll stood at 8, but Crutchfield said 30 people were unaccounted for. Multiple homes and buildings were destroyed with the community of Lone Grove hardest hit by the deadly storm.
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As many as 26,000 Oklahoma veterans are uninsured, but that could soon change thanks to the efforts of State Sen. Andrew Rice. The Oklahoma City Democrat’s legislation, Senate Bill 59, was unanimously approved Wednesday by the Senate Appropriations Committee.
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The Senate Education Committee approved a measure Monday to study the efficiency of Internet-based instruction in Oklahoma. Senate Bill 604 would create a task force to review such programs and make recommendations regarding necessary changes to ensure accountability for those in public schools.
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Being a breast cancer survivor, State Sen. Judy Eason McIntyre is all too aware of the confusion that faces many cancer patients when trying to learn about their illness or find help. For this reason, she has authored Senate Bill 434 to authorize the State Department of Health (OSDH) to create a cancer patient navigation program.

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The Senate Judiciary Committee has approved a measure aimed to break cycles of violence that can lead to the children of inmates eventually becoming inmates themselves. Senator Debbe Leftwich is the principal author of Senate Bill 448. This bill would require the judge to have written findings related to the placement of the children of inmates who are single custodial parents, most of whom are women.
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The Senate General Government Committee on Tuesday approved legislation that would require contractors to have general liability and workers’ compensation insurance before they can be issued residential building permits.

The Oklahoma City Democrat said the measure would provide protection for homeowners.

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The State Senate honored the country’s first female Rock and Roll singer Tuesday. Senate Resolution 6 congratulated Wanda Jackson on her lifetime of success in the music industry as well as being the first Oklahoma woman to be inducted into the Rock and Rock Hall of Fame.
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Ford Urges Education Improvement
Oklahoma ranked 35th in national education study

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) recently released a new education report, ranking states based on nationally recognized test results.

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The Oklahoma Senate has honored a man who devoted four decades of his life to strengthening one of the state’s largest pension systems. Tommy C. Beavers officially retired as Executive Secretary of the Teachers’ Retirement System of Oklahoma last month. State Sen. Kenneth Corn is the principal author of Senate Resolution 4, which was approved by the full Senate on Monday. Corn said Beavers, who is fighting inoperable lung cancer, has been a remarkable steward of the pension system.
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Sen. Jonathan Nichols has authored legislation that would establish a felony for a first offense of domestic abuse, when a pattern of such behavior could be established.

“This legislation would provide our districts with another tool in their efforts to combat the epidemic of domestic abuse in Oklahoma,” said Nichols, R-Norman. “It’s a shame that there are harsher penalties for any number of first offenses than for the heinous crime of domestic abuse. The Legislature needs to send a message and establish penalties fitting of the crime.”

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2008 Jim Thorpe Award winner Malcolm Jenkins was honored on the floor of the state Senate on Monday. The Senate unanimously approved Senate Resolution 3, recognizing and commending the standout defensive back from Ohio State University.

As a junior, Jenkins was selected first-team Pro Football Weekly All-American, first team All-Big Ten, second team Walter Camp All-American, and a Thorpe semi-finalist. He recorded 47 tackles during the season. He was selected as defensive player of the week and won the Arnie Chonko Award for Outstanding Defensive Back.

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Senate President Pro Tem Glenn Coffee and House Speaker Chris Benge called upon the Attorney General to a request an OSBI investigation into the State Medical Examiner’s office today.

The leaders have expressed concerns for over a year regarding the management and operations of the office, but additional allegations of sexual harassment charges inside the office bring new urgency to the matter.

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In an effort to attract industries, create jobs and keep businesses in the state, Sen. Cliff Branan has authored legislation to begin a discussion in the Legislature about lowering the state’s income tax - something he has advocated for since getting into office in 2002.

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State leaders announced a plan today to streamline services for agencies and organizations that serve Oklahoma’s children. Lt. Governor Jari Askins, Sen. Jay Paul Gumm, Rep. Joe Dorman and others discussed legislation that would create Oklahoma’s first-ever Children’s Cabinet.

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The Senate Judiciary Committee this week approved a measure that would exempt an adoptive grandparent from any court costs associated with adoption.

Sen. Kenneth Corn, author of the legislation, said Senate Bill 254 would remove another impediment for grandparents seeking to provide good homes for children.

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As a breast cancer survivor, Senator Judy Eason McIntyre knows the importance of early detection. She works hard to help raise awareness within state government of the disease as well as find funding and gain support for those Oklahomans diagnosed with breast cancer.

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Sen. Cliff Branan has filed legislation that would direct an increased portion of motor vehicle tax revenue to the County Improvements for Roads and Bridges Fund. The Chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, Branan said the measure would redirect revenue currently going to the General Revenue Fund.

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Oklahoma applicants for certain professions and licenses are required under state law to undergo both state and national background checks for the sake of public safety. Unfortunately, municipal fire departments do not have that same authorization, but State Sen. Ron Justice hopes that he can get that changed this year through his Senate Bill 249.

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Newberry, Senate Stand for Pro-Life

Senator Dan Newberry along with a majority of the Senate voted in favor of Senate Resolution 5 strongly opposing the federal “Freedom of Choice Act.”

President Barack Obama recently promised that one of the top priorities of his new Administration would be to sign into law the “Freedom of Choice Act,” which classifies abortion as a fundamental right. If signed into law, this fundamental right would be equal to the right to free speech and the right to vote, rights that, unlike abortion, are specifically detailed in the United States Constitution.

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