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Senate Committee Approves Measure to Exempt Grandparents from Adoption Costs

Sen. Kenneth Corn Sen. Kenneth Corn

The Senate Judiciary Committee this week approved a measure that would exempt an adoptive grandparent from any court costs associated with adoption.

Sen. Kenneth Corn, author of the legislation, said Senate Bill 254 would remove another impediment for grandparents seeking to provide good homes for children.

“The family is the foundation of our society,” said Corn, D-Poteau. “Children need guidance and love, and grandparents seeking to provide a stable home for children should be able to do so without punitive costs. This legislation would remove that roadblock from adoptive grandparents.”

SB 254 would also waive pre-placement home study requirements in certain adoption cases if the petitioning grandparent has no record of felony convictions, domestic violence or protective orders.

“Caring grandparents willing and able to meet the challenges of raising grandchildren are a real blessing to our communities,” Corn said. “I’m pleased that the Judiciary Committee approved this measure.”

Contact info
Sen. Corn's Office: 405-521-5576