Press Releases

Showing: March, 2007

The full Senate has given approval to a measure aimed at saving the lives of thousands of Oklahomans. Sen. Debbe Leftwich is the author of SB 14, which would require insurance companies to cover colorectal cancer screening.

“This is the second leading cancer killer in the nation,” said Leftwich, D-Oklahoma City. “It’s estimated that 1,880 Oklahomans will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer this year, and of those, 720 will die. Early detection would save most of them.”
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A measure that will ensure that the state meets its financial obligations to reimburse counties and school districts for ad valorem tax revenue lost as a result of economic development incentives passed the Oklahoma State Senate Monday on a 25-23 vote.

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The State Senate on Monday approved a measure intended to curb the growing problem of copper theft in Oklahoma. Senate Bill 472, authored by Sen. Cliff Branan, would require additional regulations for junk dealers, making it easier to establish a paper trail to track down copper thieves.
Branan said the legislature has to take action to curb a dramatically increasing problem throughout the state.
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A group of legislators from southwest Oklahoma are planning a special homecoming celebration at the State Capitol for Miss America Lauren Nelson. The delegation includes Nelson’s hometown legislators from Lawton, Senator Don Barrington and Rep. Ann Coody along with Senator Randy Bass also from Lawton and Reps. T.W. Shannon of Lawton, Joe Dorman of Rush Springs, Dennis Johnson of Duncan, David Braddock of Altus, Ray McCarter of Marlow and Don Armes of Faxon.
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The full Senate has voted unanimously in favor of legislation that will help Oklahomans see exactly how their tax dollars are being used. Senate Bill 1, by Sen. Randy Brogdon, would create an online database to show where every single penny of the public’s money is being spent.

“It is important to remember that every dollar that gets appropriated comes from our citizens,” said Brogdon, R-Owasso. “The public should have the ability to track how each and every single dollar is spent, because the bottom line is that it’s their money.”
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Two lawmakers who co-authored a measure on behalf of Gov. Brad Henry to keep teens in school until they graduate say they are gratified that the full Senate has now approved that measure. Sen. Kathleen Wilcoxson and Sen. Kenneth Corn agreed that passage of SB 519 sends an important message.

“This says that we cannot afford to lose a single child—that we understand how important it is to keep them in school and make sure they earn their high school diploma,” said Sen. Wilcoxson, R-Oklahoma City.
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Senate Co-Floor Leader Charlie Laster announced Wednesday that he has been selected the designee of the Senate Democratic Caucus to become the next President Pro Tem of the Oklahoma State Senate.
Laster, D-Shawnee, said he secured the support of a majority of his Democratic colleagues in the Senate Tuesday. Laster will succeed Senate President Pro Tempore Mike Morgan, when the current Senate leader leaves office in November 2008.
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