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Legislature to Welcome Miss America Home

A group of legislators from southwest Oklahoma are planning a special homecoming celebration at the State Capitol for Miss America Lauren Nelson. The delegation includes Nelson’s hometown legislators from Lawton, Senator Don Barrington and Rep. Ann Coody along with Senator Randy Bass also from Lawton and Reps. T.W. Shannon of Lawton, Joe Dorman of Rush Springs, Dennis Johnson of Duncan, David Braddock of Altus, Ray McCarter of Marlow and Don Armes of Faxon.

“We are so proud of Ms. Nelson,” said Barrington, R-Lawton. “We want to be able to thank her in person for being such an incredible ambassador for our great state and also congratulate her for her tremendous accomplishments. She is an outstanding young lady and we wish her the best during her reign.”

The homecoming reception will take place on March 19. That morning Nelson will be received in the Senate Chamber with a reception to follow in the Senate lounge. She will then be welcomed to the floor of the House at 1:30 with a reception to follow there as well in the House lounge.

“I’m thrilled to have Lauren at the Capitol. I’ve known her and her family for many years, and I can’t think of a better person to represent our state and our nation. She is a truly remarkable young woman with an incredible gift and I know she is going to do great things with her life,” said Coody, R-Lawton. “We are looking forward to hearing about her platform for educating the public about internet safety for children.
This has become a pressing issue and I’m glad to see that she is helping to make parents and others aware of this potential danger.”

Contact info
Senator Barrington's Office - (405) 521-5563