Press Releases

Showing: March, 2015

A recent survey by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) of their 4,000 Oklahoma members showed overwhelming support in favor of Oklahoma joining the call for an Article V Constitutional Convention to vote on a balanced budget amendment. The survey showed that nearly 77 percent of those surveyed support the idea of having a Convention of the States, while just over five percent were against the idea and nearly 18 percent were undecided. read more.

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The full Senate on Wednesday advanced legislation that would develop a system for evaluating tax credits and economic incentives to determine their effectiveness. Authored by Senate President Pro Tempore Brian Bingman, Senate Bills 806 and 815 would establish a process to provide lawmakers with independent evaluations of economic incentives, and a clear picture of those that encourage growth and those that do not.
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President Pro Tempore Brian Bingman today issued the following statement on the passing of former Senator Philip Watson. Watson, a Republican, represented District 41 in the Oklahoma Senate from 1972 to 1987.

“Philip Watson admirably served his Senate district for 15 years, before being appointed as director of the Department of Human Services. His legacy of service stretched beyond Oklahoma to Africa, where he performed mission work and touched the lives of many. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family in their time of loss.”

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The House is the next stop for a measure approved Monday by the Senate to protect patient-doctor relationships and make health services more affordable in the state. Sen. Rob Standridge is the author of Senate Bill 560, which will keep direct care arrangements from being subject to state insurance regulation.
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On Monday, the Senate approved Senate Bill 261 to allow courts to terminate the parental rights of anyone who, after being properly notified of their court date and without good cause, does not show up for their jury trial. The measure, by Sen. Ron Sharp, is an effort to hold individuals in parental rights’ cases more accountable and help save time for backlogged courts.
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