Press Releases

Showing: May, 2013

In the past two years, three Oklahoma families sent loved ones to a substance abuse program at Narconon Arrowhead with the hopes of recovery. Instead, those families wound up planning funerals. Sen. Tom Ivester responded by filing legislation ensuring the state would have oversight of facilities operated by Narconon, known to have close ties to the Church of Scientology. Senate Bill 295, by Ivester and Rep. David Derby, was signed by Gov. Mary Fallin this past week.
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Sen. Dan Newberry today said the Obama administration’s decision to deny the state’s request to extend funding for the Insure Oklahoma program, unless Oklahoma institutes the Obamacare exchanges, will force many thousands of Oklahoma’s neediest and most vulnerable off their health insurance plans.

Newberry said the administration’s denial of funding effectively holds the state hostage in its efforts to provide insurance access to low-income Oklahomans. read more.

The State Senate has honored an Oklahoma physical science teacher for being one of only five educators nationwide to be inducted into the National Teachers Hall of Fame. Deborah Cornelison, a ninth-grade physical science teacher at Byng Junior High School, was a guest in the Senate chamber on Thursday when members honored her accomplishments with the passage of Senate Concurrent Resolution 30, by Sen. Susan Paddack and Rep. Todd Thomsen.

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On Thursday, the Oklahoma State Senate honored the 2013-2014 National Youth Ambassador for the American Indian Health Research and Education Alliance (AIHREA). Cierra Fields, a Cherokee native and 8th grader from Fort Gibson, was diagnosed with Melanoma at the age of 4 and spent her fifth birthday on the operating table. Her 14th birthday was different, however, as Cierra had the opportunity to share a special message with members of the Senate both in Cherokee and English.
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Sen. Tom Ivester, D-Sayre, issued the following comments in response to the announcement today that Oklahoma Energy Secretary Michael Ming would resign his post to head the GE Global Research Center coming to the Oklahoma City area:

Today, we found out that Energy Secretary Michael Ming, who was surely involved in the effort to bring the GE Global Research Center to Oklahoma, is leaving his post to go head up this new facility.
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Staff at Oklahoma’s veterans centers will soon have access to more educational and training opportunities thanks to legislation signed late Tuesday by Governor Fallin. Sen. Frank Simpson said his Senate Bill 228, creating the Quality Workforce for Oklahoma’s Heroes Act, will help substantially improve services at the centers.
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The community of Woodward just marked the first anniversary of the April 15, 2012 tornado that destroyed 87 homes, 13 businesses and claimed six lives. On Tuesday, members of the House and Senate paused to honor former Woodward firefighter and News 9 storm tracker Marty Logan, and the station’s weather team, for helping warn Woodward residents that the deadly storm was headed their way.
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Families of nursing home residents will soon be able to electronically monitor their loved ones thanks to legislation signed into law Monday. Senate Bill 587, by Sen. Ron Justice, will allow nursing home residents to install electronic monitoring devices in their private rooms if that resident or their legal representative pays for the monitoring.
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Senate Democratic Leader Sean Burrage issued the following comments in response to the release of the Republican’s budget deal for Fiscal Year 2014.

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Senate Appropriations Chairman Clark Jolley said the budget agreement announced Thursday by Gov. Mary Fallin and legislative leaders carefully prioritized the allocation of growth revenues for the FY 2014 budget. The agreement itself was reached earlier this session than in past years. Jolley attributed that accomplishment to the hard work of his subcommittee chairs.
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Those who participate in agritourism activities such as hayrides and riding horses and get hurt will not be able to sue the agritourism owner as long as a warning is prominently posted on the property about the inherent risks of such activities. Senate Bill 931, by Sen. Ron Justice and Rep. Scott Biggs, will provide agritourism professionals with liability protection for such incidents.
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Sen. Brian Crain, R-Tulsa, and Rep. Doug Cox, M.D., R-Grove, responded Wednesday to a recent press conference calling on the Legislature to follow the Affordable Care Act.

“A ‘one size fits all plan’ offered by the ACA is not the right approach for Oklahoma,” Crain said.

“When it comes to health care access, we need to offer premium assistance like Insure Oklahoma; the health care plan Oklahoma voters approved in 2004,” Cox said.
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On Wednesday, the Senate gave final approval to a measure that will improve services at the state’s seven veteran centers by providing more educational and training opportunities to center staff. Senate Bill 228, by Sen. Frank Simpson, will create the Quality Workforce for Oklahoma’s Heroes Act authorizing the Oklahoma Department of Veteran’s Affairs (ODVA) to contract with accredited institutions to establish education and training programs for positions critical to the quality of care of veterans residing with ODVA institutions.
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