Press Releases

Showing: April, 2009

Langston University’s Oklahoma City campus will host “A Healthy Baby Begins with You!” on Thursday, April 30, at 6 p.m. at 4205 N. Lincoln Blvd. The free event will be limited to the first 200 people who reserve a seat by calling 271-1337.

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The Oklahoma State Senate passed a referendum late Tuesday that will send Workers Compensation reform to Oklahoma polls next year.

Following the Governor’s veto, Senate President Pro Tempore Glenn Coffee said, “We are disappointed in the Governor’s veto, because we’ve worked very hard to bring responsible reform and increased accountability to the Oklahoma’s Workers Compensation system. Contrary to what the Governor said, this legislation removes the politics from the process, and we look forward to sending this to the people for them to have the final say.”

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A bond authorization bill that could result in the creation of more than 9,000 jobs is now on its way to Governor Brad Henry for consideration. Senator Mike Mazzei, R-Tulsa, is principal author of Senate Bill 239, which will authorize bonds needed to make safety improvements to Zink Dam, as well as create low-water dams in Sand Springs and the Jenks/South Tulsa areas.
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President Pro Tem Glenn Coffee applauded the signing of Senate Bill 894 into law that will bring needed medical protection to rape victims.

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Sen. Jay Paul Gumm on Monday successfully amended House Bill 1032 to include language that would create Oklahoma’s first-ever Children’s Cabinet. Gumm’s proposal would streamline services for organizations and agencies serving Oklahoma’s children.

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The State Senate passed House Bill 1598 by Senator Anthony Sykes on Wednesday, a bipartisan lawsuit reform bill providing teachers and schools protections from lawsuits.

The purpose of the Act is to provide teachers, principals, and other school professionals the tools they need to undertake reasonable actions to maintain order, discipline, and an appropriate educational environment.

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Each day, millions of children around the world contract serious infections and diseases because they have no shoes. To help raise awareness of the problem, State Sen. Andrew Rice authored Senate Resolution 43 Thursday declaring April 16, 2009 as "One Day Without Shoes" in the state and asking Senate members and staff to participate in the world-wide event.
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Legislature Addresses 911 Crisis

House and Senate leaders announced the formation of a “911 Task Force” today, which will study possible changes needed to Oklahoma’s emergency communication system as technology continuously evolves.

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Sen. Jay Paul Gumm on Thursday successfully amended House Bill 1025 to include language closing a loophole that would allow sex offenders to use ice cream trucks to come into contact with children. Gumm previously authored Senate Bill 1147 to criminalize the operation of an ice cream truck by a sex offender, but the legislation has stalled in the House of Representatives.

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Responding to a report of the Obama administration’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) characterizing returning veterans and others who uphold traditional American values as “right wing extremists” and a threat to American security, Senator Steve Russell R-OKC will offer a resolution calling DHS and the Administration to account.

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Hundreds of Oklahomans gathered on the south steps of the state Capitol as part of the Tax Day Tea Parties that took place across the nation on Wednesday. The events were in demonstration against high taxes and Congress’ continued excessive spending in recent months.

Sen. Dan Newberry attended the rally and said he was proud to see so many Oklahomans taking time out of their day to send Congress an important message.
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Jolley Praises Interim Study

The Chairman of the Senate Health and Human Services committee, Senator Clark Jolley, R-Edmond, is pleased to announce an interim study approved by President Pro Tempore Glenn Coffee.

Jolley requested an interim study to consider the issues raised relating to interstate purchasing of health insurance policies.

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Senate Passes Pro-Life Reform

The Oklahoma State Senate approved pro-life legislation by Majority Floor Leader Todd Lamb on Wednesday.

House Bill 1595 prohibits a person from performing an abortion solely because of the sex of the child and creates the Statistical Reporting of Abortions Act, which requires physicians who perform abortions to report certain information to the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH).

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After receiving unanimous approval from both the Senate and House, Senate Bill 894 by President Pro Tem Glenn Coffee now awaits the Governor’s signature into law.

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Greater Access to Services for Autistic Children Seen as Good First Step

The State Senate unanimously passed HB 2027 today, a bill which will provide better services and more access to care for autistic children and their families.

The bill, sponsored in the Senate by Senator Ron Justice, R-Chickasha, provides for the enactment of a licensing process for national Board Certified Behavioral Analysts and enhancement of existing state programs that would train doctors to diagnose and treat autism.

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The Oklahoma Senate breathed life into a proposal to provide insurance coverage for children with autism.

An amendment was attached to House Bill 2027, House leadership’s bill to train more therapists. The amendment, enacted without debate, would require the Oklahoma Health Insurance High Risk Pool (OHRP) to cover diagnosis and treatment of autism consistent with what has become known as “Nick’s Law.”

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The State Senate passed President Pro Tempore Glenn Coffee’s bill that aids in streamlining government.

In an effort to improve efficiency and accountability at the Oklahoma Criminal Justice Resource Center (CJRC), Senator Coffee’s legislation moves the CJRC out of the Legislative Service Bureau and reassigns its functions and staff to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) and the Attorney General.

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Brings Greater Efficiency, Cost Savings to State Government

The State Senate approved HB 1704, forming a centralized state information technology office, bringing efficiency and cost savings to Oklahoma government. Mirroring SB 980 previously passed by the Senate and authored by President Pro Tem Glenn Coffee, this legislation will move Oklahoma toward a more efficient and effective government. HB 1704 provides for a state Office of Information Services (OIS), overseeing and consolidating state information technology services under one roof.

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Pension Reform Sent to Governor

The House of Representatives passed SB 899 by Senate President Pro Tem Glenn Coffee, which would revoke state retirement benefits from state or county officers convicted of felonies.

Senate Bill 899 provides that any such officer or employee shall vacate his or her office or employment upon final conviction of, or pleading guilty or nolo contendere to a felony. Also, if such felony violates his or her oath of office the officer or employee shall forfeit all benefits of the office or employment including retirement benefits.

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The State Senate approved two workers’ compensation bills today, one being sent to the Governor for his approval.

House Bill 1600 by President Pro Tempore Glenn Coffee modifies requirements for disability benefits. Individuals who have had surgery or have been recommended to have surgery by a physician may petition the Workers’ Compensation Court to extend their benefits.

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