Press Releases

Showing: March, 2008

Norman Senator Says 11.7 Million Should be Returned to State Pension Funds

Senator John Sparks (D-Norman) said today he has filed an amendment that would invest an $11.7 million WorldCom settlement into Oklahoma’s ailing pension funds.

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The Oklahoma State Senate today overwhelmingly approved a plan by Sen. Andrew Rice (D-OKC) to create a state Veterans Health Insurance Program that provides coverage to uninsured Oklahoma veterans below age 65.

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Measure Could Save Taxpayers Thousands of Dollars

A bill that could potentially save the state thousands of dollars in printing and postage costs annually passed by a 44-1 vote today in the Oklahoma State Senate.

Authored by Senator Jay Paul Gumm, Senate Bill 1507 would require the hundreds of reports submitted by state agencies to legislative leaders be transmitted electronically. In addition, the measure would require agency budget requests and the governor’s annual budget to be transmitted electronically rather than through hard copies in the mail.

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