Press Releases

Showing: February, 2006
SB 1294 Seeks to Expand Insure Oklahoma

A key plank of the Senate Democratic agenda to strengthen small business won the approval of a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee today, making access to affordable healthcare one step closer to becoming a reality for all Oklahomans. Senate Bill 1294, authored by Senator Tom Adelson, expands the Insure Oklahoma program to include small businesses with 50 or fewer employees. The program, created by Democrats, allows small business owners the opportunity to provide health insurance to their employees at affordable rates.
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Legislation to require children and teenagers to take a boating safety course before operating a jet ski or other water craft has cleared its first legislative hurdle. Senate Bill 1495, known as the Kyle Williams Boating Safety Education Act, won approval from the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Public Safety and Judiciary on Wednesday morning. The legislation is named for a 12-year-old Oklahoma boy who died as a result of a jet ski accident in August, 2004.
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* Rural GOP Senators Pledge to Fight Forced School Consolidation & Seek Funding for Roads & Bridges, Rural Firefighters

The elimination of the state’s death tax tops the list of 2006 legislative priorities for rural Republican state senators, members of the Senate Republican Rural Caucus announced Wednesday.

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The Senate Appropriations Sub-Committee on Education gave approval Wednesday to legislation that will make more children from middle class homes eligible to participate in the Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program.

Senate Bill 1993 by Senate President Pro Tempore Mike Morgan raises the maximum income eligibility for OHLAP from $50,000 to $75,000.
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Senate Republican Leader Glenn Coffee praised “Rose Day” participants who rallied at the state Capitol Wednesday, and credited them for last year’s passage of pro-life legislation for the first time in a generation.

“Senate Republicans are very pleased to welcome the Rose Day participants to the Oklahoma State Capitol today, and we praise them for the tireless efforts in support of the unborn,” stated Coffee, R-Oklahoma City.

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After working closely all summer with corrections officials, and even convening a special session to deal with Oklahoma’s public safety crisis, the Oklahoma State Senate passed a $24 million supplemental appropriation for the Oklahoma Department of Corrections (DOC) today. read more.

Legislation has been introduced by State Senator Don Barrington, R-Lawton, that will help protect the jobs of volunteer firefighters who are called to duty while at work by offering tax incentives to businesses that hire these individuals.
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Legislation that will keep tickets to Oklahoma City Hornets games among the lowest in the league and complete the incentive package that helped lure the National Basketball Association team to the Ford Center earlier this year passed out of the Senate Finance Committee Tuesday.

Senate Bill 1022 is authored by Senate President Pro Tempore Mike Morgan. The measure exempts tickets to NBA and NHL games in Oklahoma from sales tax.
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Senate President Pro Tempore Mike Morgan announced the selection Tuesday of Senator Jeff Rabon to serve as the new vice chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee

Rabon is chairman of the Senate Appropriations Sub-Committee on Natural Resources and Regulatory Services.

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Just days after the State Senate’s Democrat President Pro Tem Mike Morgan said he has “great fear and trepidation” about reducing taxes this legislative session, the Democrat chairman of the Senate Finance Committee left the two most important tax reform issues off the schedule at the committee’s first meeting on Tuesday, February 7.

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The Senate author of the “Back-to-School” sales tax holiday said he is pleased the tax cut, targeted directly to middle class families was among the first tax cuts to pass out of the Senate Finance Committee this morning.

Senator Jay Paul Gumm, D-Durant and chair of the Finance Committee, said passage of the sales tax holiday means all Oklahomans are one step closer to shopping in Oklahoma the first weekend in August, rather than taking their dollars to bordering states which already have a sales tax holiday.

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SB 1748 Outlaws the Sale of Cell Phone Records

Identities of all Oklahomans will be protected under a proposal by Senator Randy Bass that passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee this morning.

“Identity theft is a growing concern for all Oklahomans, especially among our greatest generation—our senior citizens,” Bass said. “The Oklahoma Identity Theft Protection Act ensures that we are doing everything we can to protect our families from this devastating crime.”

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Current and former members of the Oklahoma State Senate gathered along with friends and family members of the late Sen. Robert M. Kerr for a “Celebration of Life” ceremony held in the Senate Chamber on Monday.

When roll call was taken, Sen. Kerr’s grandchildren answered for him. The children were seated at his desk, which was adorned with 20 white roses, one for each of the years he was a member of the State Senate.

Former Senator Dick Wilkerson recalled his friend, Bob Kerr, as a gentle man who always thought the best of everyone.
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The Hokkaido Aerospace Science Technology Incubation Center (HASTIC) of Japan was recognized today by State Senator Gilmer Capps, D-Snyder, and the Oklahoma State Senate for signing an agreement with Rocketplane Ltd. to become the first commercial microgravity research experiment user of the Oklahoma Spaceport.

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Following several hours of meetings with Medicaid officials and policy experts, Senator Tom Adelson announced that he has discovered $540 Million in Medicaid savings over three years.

“It’s really quite simple,” said Adelson, chairman of the Senate Appropriations Sub-Committee on Health and Social Services. “All I did was take a sentence or two from a previously published Oklahoma Healthcare Authority Report and claim it as my own.

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Statement from Senate President Pro Tempore Mike Morgan

“We heard from Governor Henry today a positive message for Oklahoma. I was especially encouraged by the Governor’s recognition that this session provides a great opportunity for us to invest in the future of our state.

“I honestly believe that we have to make this session about more than just the next election. We must, instead, turn our focus to the next generation. I believe, from what we heard today, the governor understands that.
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Senate Republican Leader Glenn Coffee, R-Oklahoma City, made the following statement in response to Gov. Brad Henry’s State of the State address.

“It was very disappointing that the governor didn’t mention the most critical health and jobs issue facing our state today – lawsuit reform – and that he didn’t come out in support of the full elimination of the death tax and reducing the state’s high income tax rate. Passing these proposals in 2006 is critical if we want to make Oklahoma a national leader in attracting and keeping good jobs,” Coffee stated.

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State Senate Republican Floor Leader Glenn Coffee, R-Oklahoma City, made the following statement in reaction to the Senate Democrats’ proposed legislative agenda.

“The proposals that Senate Democrats have put forward during the past two weeks are weak and reactionary. The Senate Democrats are scrambling to propose quick fixes to problems that have been created by their own failed policies,” Coffee stated.

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State Senate Democrats today announced plans to file legislation that will penalize companies that knowingly employ illegal immigrants and measures that would force drug companies to divulge how much they spend on advertising, lobbying and the salaries for top executives.

In announcing an “Agenda for a More Accountable Oklahoma,” Senate President Pro Tempore Mike Morgan also called for annual performance review audits of state agencies to “make sure Oklahoma taxpayers are getting what they paid for.”

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State Senator Mary Easley (D-Tulsa) wants to protect the privacy of mourning families from picketers and other public demonstrations seeking to disrupt funerals in order to bring attention to their causes.

Easley, who serves as vice-chair of the Senate Energy and Environment Committee, filed a measure that would make it illegal to picket prior to, during and following the commencement of a funeral. The House co-author is Rep. Wade Rousselot (D- Waggoner).

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