Press Releases

Showing: February, 2002

Oklahoma City – Oklahoma State House Speaker Larry Adair and Senate President Pro Tempore Stratton Taylor today announced their appointments to a citizen-legislator task force on tax reform.

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State Senator Brad Henry announced he'll be taking a package of tax incentives for a Tulsa-based airline to the full Senate as early as next Monday. That's after winning approval from the Senate Economic Development Committee on Thursday. House Bill 2315 would give Great Plains Airlines $3 million in tax credits for a three year period, enabling the airline to lease four more airplanes. That would help Great Plains increase existing flights as well as add additional destinations.

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State Senator Johnnie Crutchfield is vowing to fight Governor Keatings efforts to slash funding for a proven economic development program that benefits rural communities in southern Oklahoma and the rest of the state.

The Rural Economic Action Plan or REAP distributes grant money to small towns, helping them repair and improve their infrastructures to make them more attractive to economic prospects.

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Senator Jim Reynolds has authored a bill to ban both therapeutic and reproductive human cloning in Oklahoma. Far from representing opportunities for advances in science and medicine, Senator Reynolds said cloning represents an erosion of the sanctity of life.

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Senator Keith Leftwich and Representative Al Lindley have extended their thanks and the thanks of a south Oklahoma City neighborhood to the Oklahoma County Sheriffs office. Thats after Sheriff John Wetsel fulfilled his pledge to help step up police presence in an area that has been over-run with prostitutes, pimps and customers.

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Senator Charles Ford announced Tuesday that the Oklahoma State Senate Historical Preservation Fund, Inc. has formally dedicated two more original paintings. The two latest works were unveiled during a special ceremony in the Senate Chamber on Wednesday, February 6th.

"With these latest additions, our organization has now commissioned 26 pieces of original art for the Capitol," said Senator Ford, President of the Preservation Fund.

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OKLAHOMA CITY A plan proposed by Texas Governor Rick Perry to build a gigantic new transportation system across the Lone Star state has caught the attention of Oklahoma State Senator Dave Herbert (D-Midwest City).

Governor Perry recently announced his plan for the Trans Texas Corridor, which would consist of a 4,000 mile system for border-to-border transportation, complete with toll roads, railroads and underground utility tunnels.

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Passing meaningful tax relief hinges on identifying new revenue sources for state services. That's according to Senator Jerry Smith, R-Tulsa, who has called on Governor Frank Keating to take a close look at how new tribal gaming agreements could generate a significant portion of the dollars needed to eliminate the state income tax and the sales tax on groceries.

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Statement by Senator Stratton Taylor,
Senate President Pro Tempore

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