
Showing: April, 2018
The Second Extraordinary Session of the Senate adjourned Sine Die Tuesday (30th legislative day)
Weekly Q & A with Majority Floor Leader Greg Treat

The Senate Appropriations Committee unanimously approved legislation Wednesday to boost the state’s second largest industry, the aerospace industry. House Bill 2578, by Sen. Paul Rosino and Rep. Tess Teague, would create the Aerospace Commerce Economic Services (ACES) program under the Department of Commerce. The ACES program is based on similar business models from other states that have proven to have substantial economic impacts.
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The Senate gave final approval to legislation Tuesday to put the rights and protections of Oklahoma’s foster kids into state statute. House Bill 2552, authored by Sen. A.J. Griffin and Rep. Pat Ownbey, passed unanimously.

“Oklahoma has around 9,600 kids in state custody and it’s our legal and moral responsibility to protect their rights and best interests,” said Griffin, R-Guthrie. “This bill will ensure that these kids and their foster families are aware of those rights while also providing a safe way for foster kids to report grievances.”
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Bills filed to stop wind energy tax credits and give millions to schools and vital state services

Oklahoma State Senators Josh Brecheen and Nathan Dahm filed legislation Monday that would end check-in-the-mail tax credit payouts paid to wind energy companies who are exempt from paying income taxes. Oklahoma will pay $500-$750 million in tax credits to wind energy companies over the next 10 years. Approximately 93 percent of the payments will go to foreign and out-of-state shareholders.
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Sen. Josh Brecheen and Sen. Nathan Dahm discuss their bill to end the refundability of tax credits to the wind industry.
Senate Majority Floor Leader Greg Treat weekly Q&A
Q&A with Senate Democratic Leader John Sparks (Week 9)
Q&A with Senate Pro Tempore Mike Schulz and Floor Leader Greg Treat (Week 9)