
Showing: April, 2011
Senate President Pro Tem Brian Bingman's Weekly Q & A with Capitol press (12th Week)
Air Quality Mandates Would Kill Jobs

Recent efforts by the Environmental Protection Agency to mandate new air quality regulations in Oklahoma will kill jobs and competitiveness if not aggressively challenged at every turn, according to Senate President Pro-Tempore Brian Bingman, R-Sapulpa.
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Sen. Bingman explains SCR 13 on the Senate Floor.

The full Senate has given its approval to a bill expanding community sentencing programs and GPS monitoring for nonviolent offenders. Senate author Patrick Anderson said House Bill 2131, which was approved Wednesday with a bipartisan vote of 44 to 3, would save taxpayer dollars while ensuring the state’s most dangerous criminals are kept behind bars. Anderson said Oklahoma currently spends $500 million on adult corrections.
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Sen. Anderson explains HB 2131.
Democratic Leader Andrew Rice's Q & A with Capitol press (11th week)
Senate President Pro Tem Brian Bingman's Weekly Q & A with Capitol press (11th Week)

Oklahoma has taken another step toward addressing the $16 billion in unfunded liability facing the state’s public pension systems. House Bill 2132, which was authored by Senate President Pro Tempore Brian Bingman and presented by Senator Mike Mazzei, chairman of the Select Committee on Pensions, was approved Tuesday on a bipartisan vote of 33 to 13.
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Sen. Mazzei pleased with passage of HB 2132 pension reform bill.
Castiglione, Holder Join AG Pruitt to Cheer Passage of Bill

Legislation to modify the Uniform Athletes Agent Act passed the full Senate today. Authored by President Pro Tem Brian Bingman, R-Sapulpa, and Rep. Todd Thomsen, R-Ada, HB 1586 will hit agents that break the law with stricter penalties. Bingman was encouraged to see the bill supported by a majority of Senators, 47 to 0.

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Sen. Bingman discusses measure on the Senate Floor.

Governor Mary Fallin today joined other state leaders in announcing that Oklahoma will establish a Health Insurance Private Enterprise Network to prevent the establishment of a federal health care exchange in Oklahoma.

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Senate President Pro Tem Brian Bingman's Weekly Q & A (9th Week)

Portrait sponsors Howard and Billie Barnett and Charles Banks Wilson unveil Wilson's
portrait on the Senate floor Wednesday.

Artist Charles Banks Wilson was honored at the state Capitol Wednesday with the dedication
of his portrait. Pictured L-R: Billie Barnett, artist Mike Wimmer, Charles Wilson,
preservation fund president Charles Ford and Howard Barnett.

Artist Charles Banks Wilson thanks the Senate for their recognition and commends artist
Mike Wimmer for his good work on the portrait.

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Portrait Dedication.  Speakers include preservation fund president and former state Sen. Charles Ford, artist Mike Wimmer, sponsor Howard Barnett and Charles Wilson.