
Showing: January, 2009

President Pro-Tempore Glenn Coffee commended the Oklahoma Business and Education Coalition (OBEC) today for their release of a study and recommendations for the future of education in Oklahoma.

“I thank Mr. Stan Lybarger of BOK Financial, OSU President Burns Hargis, and OBEC for their diligence in pursuing excellence in education in our state, and Senator Jolley for the education reform bill he will offer this session,” Coffee said. “Surely our ability to compete in a global marketplace depends on the preparedness of our students, and their readiness to enter the marketplace.

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Sen. Jolley on need for objective education performance standards.

Republicans in the Oklahoma State Senate released their policy agenda for the 2009 legislative session today, calling for a fairer and more business friendly tax policy, reform of the archaic and business-unfriendly legal system in Oklahoma, and to continue to improve our state’s infrastructure.

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President Pro Tem Glenn Coffee discusses the Senate Republicans agenda.
Sen. Glenn Coffee addresses the Senate following his official election as President Pro Tempore.
Sen. Glenn Coffee speaks to the media following his official election as President Pro Tempore.
Media availability following session