
Showing: May, 2006

Legislation clearing the way for the creation of a world-class diabetes research and treatment center in Oklahoma is now on its way to Governor Brad Henry for his signature.

Senate Bill 1056, authored by Senators Cal Hobson and Glenn Coffee and Representative Thad Balkman, authorizes the University of Oklahoma Board of Regents to build the center, which would have locations at the OU Health Sciences Center campuses in both Oklahoma City and Tulsa. The measure was approved by both chambers on Friday.
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Sen. Hobson on passage of legislation to create diabetes research and treatment center.
Sen. Coffee on final passage of bill creating center.
Rep. Balkman on importance of passage of bill.
OU President David Boren on passage of bill.

“Every year at this time, leaders of the Legislature are asked to assign a grade to the session. Unfortunately, there is only one grade I can give to this session – an Incomplete.

“The most important job we have every year is to write the budget and fund government. This year, we haven’t managed to get that done yet. I am confident we will get the job done. There will not be a government shutdown. But I wouldn’t be telling you the truth if I didn’t say I was disappointed.

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Press Conference following Sine Die.

The full Senate has given unanimous approval to a measure ensuring the future of the Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine (OSUCOM). Senate Bill 1771 will create an authority and trust to execute and implement the terms of an Academic Affiliation Agreement recently reached between OSUCOM and the Tulsa Regional Medical Center (TRMC).

Sen. Mike Mazzei is co-author of the legislation, which he called critical to the survival of the medical school.
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Sen. Mazzei says legislation will ensure future of OSU Medical School.

Senate President Pro Tempore Mike Morgan issued the following statement in response to Governor Brad Henry’s issuance of a call for a special session to address the state budget.

“While it is unfortunate that we won’t be able to complete our budget work by Friday’s deadline, I believe the most important thing is that we do the job right. This year that will require some additional time.
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Sen. Morgan discusses special session with press.

Senator Nancy Riley said the State Senate on Thursday took an important step to ensure the protection of our most vulnerable citizens by passing her bill to reform the Sex Offender Registration Act.

“Several recent incidents have brought to light an urgent need for these reforms,” said Riley, R-Tulsa. “The residents in my district have been extremely concerned about this issue and I’m pleased the Senate passed this measure, taking it one step closer to becoming law.”

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Sen. Riley says bill addresses problems with state's sex offender registry.

The State Senate on Wednesday unanimously passed a measure that will create the Oklahoma Farm-to-School Program. The bill now advances to the Governor’s office.

Sen. Daisy Lawler, author of House Bill 2655, said she was pleased her legislation has reached the final step in the legislative process.

“This legislation is a win-win situation for Oklahoma,” said Lawler, D-Comanche. “Not only will the bill provide our school children with fresh and healthy foods, but it will create a significant economic boost for Oklahoma farmers.”
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Sen. Lawler says Governor's desk is next stop for Farm-to-School.

Sen. Mike Mazzei said he was extremely gratified that the full Senate had given unanimous approval to his bill strengthening retirement systems for teachers, public employees and judges. Mazzei said Senate Bill 1894 was designed to “stop the bleeding” before it is too late.
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Sen. Mazzei on Senate passage of his bill strengthening retirement systems.
Sen. Morgan Q & A with reporters on budget talks.

Survivors of the USS Oklahoma are closer than ever to achieving their dream of erecting a permanent memorial to the 429 crewmen who lost their lives in the attack on Pearl Harbor. The initial memorial design was formally unveiled at the State Capitol on Friday, which also marked the official kickoff of the fundraising effort.

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Press conference on USS Oklahoma plans and fundraising kickoff.

State Sen. Mike Schulz, R-Altus, has joined the Senate Republican Rural Caucus. The group was formed in 2005 by GOP senators who represent rural districts so they could provide a united voice for rural issues in the Oklahoma State Legislature.

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Sen. Schulz joins Republican Rural Caucus.