
Showing: January, 2005

Two bills aimed at giving tax relief to Oklahomans serving on active duty and a survivor’s benefit to military families who’ve lost a loved one are among the measures filed for the 2005 legislative session.

Republican Leader Glenn Coffee of Oklahoma City is author of Senate Bill 836 which would create the read more.

Sen. Coffee on bills to help members of military and their families.

Senate Republican Leader Glenn Coffee has filed legislation which would make county elected positions nonpartisan. Those positions would include offices such as county commissioners, sheriffs, treasurers and county clerks. Sen. Coffee said the idea makes sense on a number of levels.
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Sen. Coffee proposes nonpartisan county races.

State Senator Debbe Leftwich, D-OKC, has filed a bill that would prohibit any former lawmaker or other elected official from becoming a lobbyist for two years after leaving office. A second bill would prohibit any elected official from accepting contributions within the State Capitol.

“The reason for both of these bills is simple—to improve public confidence in the Legislature,” Leftwich said.
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Sen. Leftwich discusses the ethics bills she recently filed.

Majority Democrats in the Oklahoma State Senate made a power play at Tuesday’s legislative organizational day on a pair of votes to amend the rules that govern the Senate’s procedures.

“Senate Republicans were seeking a more open, more democratic process within the Senate rules. But in contrast, the Senate Democrats – despite having their narrowest majority ever –decided instead to operate behind closed doors. The majority made a power play instead of opening up the process to more debate and new ideas,” stated Senate Republican Leader Glenn Coffee of Oklahoma City.

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Sen. Coffee says the proposed rule change would have opened up the committee process.

Senate President Pro Tempore Cal Hobson was officially elected to a second term as leader of the State Senate Tuesday as the First Session of the 50th Oklahoma Legislature convened for Organization Day.
Hobson, who served in the House from 1978 to 1990, is entering his 27th year in the Oklahoma Legislature. He was elected Tuesday by a vote of 26-21.
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Sen. Hobson's remarks to freshmen.
Sen. Hobson says legislature has made important strides for state's economy.
Sen. Hobson comments on education funding.

Senate President Pro Tempore Cal Hobson was officially elected to a second term as leader of the State Senate Tuesday as the First Session of the 50th Oklahoma Legislature convened for Organization Day.
Hobson, who served in the House from 1978 to 1990, is entering his 27th year in the Oklahoma Legislature. He was elected Tuesday by a vote of 26-21.
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Sen. Hobson's remarks to freshmen.
Sen. Hobson says legislature has made important strides for state's economy.
Sen. Hobson comments on education funding.

Senate President Pro Tempore Cal Hobson was officially elected to a second term as leader of the State Senate Tuesday as the First Session of the 50th Oklahoma Legislature convened for Organization Day.
Hobson, who served in the House from 1978 to 1990, is entering his 27th year in the Oklahoma Legislature. He was elected Tuesday by a vote of 26-21.
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Sen. Hobson's remarks to freshmen.
Sen. Hobson says legislature has made important strides for state's economy.
Sen. Hobson comments on education funding.