
Showing: March, 2003

Law enforcement often refers to it as one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States; it’s estimated that over half a million Americans become victims of identify theft every year. Criminals obtain social security numbers, then open credit card or checking accounts in the victim’s name and run up thousands of dollars in debt, ruining the victim’s credit rating in the process.

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Sen. Riley discusses SB 721, aimed at reducing identity theft.

Senator Daisy Lawler has won passage for a bill expanding penalties for throwing objects off overpasses and bridges onto moving vehicles or roadways. Senator Lawler said she wrote the legislation after being contacted by a constituent who was a victim of such an attack. Duncan native Cindi Broaddus, sisterinlaw of Dr. Phil McGraw of the Dr. Phil television program was on the H.E. Bailey Turnpike nearly two years ago with her boyfriend Jim Maxwell when a jar of sulfuric acid crashed through their windshield. Both suffered severe burns. read more.

Sen. Lawler discuss bill on overpass attacks.
Cindi Broaddus discusses overpass attack and the proposed law changes.)
Cindi Broaddus says her case got national attention because of her brother-in-law, Dr. Phil McGraw.

Senator Daisy Lawler has won passage for a bill expanding penalties for throwing objects off overpasses and bridges onto moving vehicles or roadways. Senator Lawler said she wrote the legislation after being contacted by a constituent who was a victim of such an attack. Duncan native Cindi Broaddus, sisterinlaw of Dr. Phil McGraw of the Dr. Phil television program was on the H.E. Bailey Turnpike nearly two years ago with her boyfriend Jim Maxwell when a jar of sulfuric acid crashed through their windshield. Both suffered severe burns. read more.

Sen. Lawler discuss bill on overpass attacks.
Cindi Broaddus discusses overpass attack and the proposed law changes.)
Cindi Broaddus says her case got national attention because of her brother-in-law, Dr. Phil McGraw.

Senator Daisy Lawler has won passage for a bill expanding penalties for throwing objects off overpasses and bridges onto moving vehicles or roadways. Senator Lawler said she wrote the legislation after being contacted by a constituent who was a victim of such an attack. Duncan native Cindi Broaddus, sisterinlaw of Dr. Phil McGraw of the Dr. Phil television program was on the H.E. Bailey Turnpike nearly two years ago with her boyfriend Jim Maxwell when a jar of sulfuric acid crashed through their windshield. Both suffered severe burns. read more.

Sen. Lawler discuss bill on overpass attacks.
Cindi Broaddus discusses overpass attack and the proposed law changes.)
Cindi Broaddus says her case got national attention because of her brother-in-law, Dr. Phil McGraw.

The State Senate has given the nod to a measure that would let the people of Oklahoma decide whether the penalties included in last Novembers state question banning cockfighting were too severe. Senator Frank Shurden is the author of Senate Bill 3. The measure would let voters decide whether to change the penalty for violating the state ban from a felony to a misdemeanor. The voters really didnt have the chance to decide on the penalty, which is currently a felony. That puts hard working Oklahomans who raise gaming birds in the same category as murderers, rapists and drug dealers. read more.

Sen. Shurden urges members to let the voters decide whether to change cockfighting penalties.

Oklahoma State Senate Communications Division
State Capitol
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 30 Clip For Immediate Release: March , 2003
Sens. Coffee, Williamson and Pruitt talk to
reporters about Republican budget proposals Senate GOP Seeks to Break Fiscal Deadlock read more.

Senator Williamson Comments on Republican Budget Proposals.

State Senator Angela Monson, president of the National Conference of State Legislatures, is applauding Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridges efforts to listen to concerns of state legislators while developing national homeland security policies. Last week Ridge became the first executive branch official to ever win the NCSLs Restoring the Balance award. The honor is given to recognize efforts to restore the balance of power between states and the federal government. Secretary Ridge has developed a staff that is responsive, helpful and dependable. read more.

Sen. Monson on NCSL award for Homeland Security Sec Tom Ridge.

Two measures calling for sweeping restrictions on public smoking have cleared the State Senate. After narrowly defeating Senate Bill last week, the measure was brought up for reconsideration Monday morning and passed by a vote of 32 to . Senator Ben Robinson is principal author of SB , which would extend a smoking ban to all indoor workplaces, including restaurants. The measure does include some exemptions including standalone bars, retail tobacco products and medical facilities conducting smoking research. read more.

Sen. Robinson discusses his measure restricting public smoking.

State Capitol, Oklahoma City The decision by Senate President Pro Tempore Cal Hobson, DLexington, and other Democrat leaders to obstruct education funding in the Legislature is now leading to teacher layoffs. Republicans warned early on that if the Legislature failed to pass education funding before March st, school boards would be forced to assume the worst and start issuing pink slips to teachers. read more.

Sen. Williamson says Sen Hobson's obstruction leads to teacher layoffs.

Statement by Senator Cal Hobson read more.

Sen. Hobson's response.