Sen. Rob Standridge’s Press Releases

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The full Senate has approved legislation allowing Oklahoma voters to decide whether to repeal Article II, Section 5 of the Oklahoma Constitution, known as the “Blaine Amendment,” forbidding the use of public monies or property for sectarian or religious purposes. It was cited by the majority of the Oklahoma Supreme Courting in a 2015 ruling that forced the removal of a Ten Commandments Monument from the grounds of the Capitol.

Sen. Rob Standridge, R-Norman, is the author of Senate Joint Resolution 72.
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The chairman of the Senate’s Health and Human Services Committee has filed legislation to put the brakes on implementation of a capitated managed care system for Medicaid in Oklahoma. Sen. Rob Standridge, R-Norman, said the Oklahoma Health Care Authority has requested proposals creating such a system. Senate Joint Resolution 56 would require OHCA to end that process, and would require legislative approval before the authority could move forward with a revised plan.

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OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Rob Standridge announced that four local fire departments have been awarded grants from the Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry to help with operational expenses.

Those receiving the grants in Senate District 15 include the Cedar Country Volunteer Fire Department Association, the Noble Fire Department, the Newalla Fire Department and the Little Axe Fire Protection District Inc.  Each department will receive a grant worth nearly $4,290.  

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Sen. Rob Standridge said the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent rulings on Obamacare and gay marriage are just the latest examples of an out-of-control judiciary that has taken aim on traditional American values. He said these rulings have put more nails in the coffin of the 10th Amendment and states’ rights.
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By Sen. Rob Standridge (S-15)

Regardless of which side of the recent Supreme Court decisions you land on, there’s no denying that these decisions were made in total disregard to the will of the American people.  We have an out-of-control judiciary and the traditional values and beliefs of the American people are being assaulted. The courts’ decisions have put more nails in the coffin of the 10th Amendment and states’ rights. 

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Gov. Fallin recently held a ceremonial signing of House Bill 1074, also known as the Right-to-Try Act, by Rep. Richard Morrissette and Sen. Rob Standridge. The new law, which goes into effect November 1, 2015, will allow terminally-ill patients, who have received approval from their physician, access to investigational medications, biological products or devices that have completed Food and Drug Administration phase one safety testing and remain under an approved investigation.
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The Oklahoma State Legislature approved a resolution on the last day of the 2015 session calling on Congress to adopt a block grant proposal that would allow states more oversight of public assistance programs. The proposal was introduced in a June 2014 report entitled “Expanding Opportunity in America” by the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Budget.

Sen. Rob Standridge, primary author of Senate Concurrent Resolution 31, said the federal proposal would make the delivery of public assistance more efficient for agencies and recipients.
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The governor will soon be considering a measure that could give terminally ill patients one last chance of survival by giving them control over their terminal treatment options. House Bill 1074, also known as the Right-to-Try Act, would allow such patients, who have received approval from their physician, access to investigational medications, biological products or devices that have completed Food and Drug Administration phase one safety testing and remain under an approved investigation. The bill, which was approved by the Senate earlier this week, is authored by Rep. read more.

Sen. Rob Standridge is the Senate author of Senate Joint Resolution 4, which is an application to Congress calling for a convention of the states to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution that impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office of its officials and for members of Congress. The Senate approved the measure Wednesday 26-20 and it will now go to the House for further consideration.
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A recent survey by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) of their 4,000 Oklahoma members showed overwhelming support in favor of Oklahoma joining the call for an Article V Constitutional Convention to vote on a balanced budget amendment. The survey showed that nearly 77 percent of those surveyed support the idea of having a Convention of the States, while just over five percent were against the idea and nearly 18 percent were undecided. read more.