Sen. Rob Standridge’s Press Releases

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The House is the next stop for a measure approved Monday by the Senate to protect patient-doctor relationships and make health services more affordable in the state. Sen. Rob Standridge is the author of Senate Bill 560, which will keep direct care arrangements from being subject to state insurance regulation.
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By Sen. Rob Standridge


We have a problem in Oklahoma – too many needs and not enough revenue.  Our biggest financial challenge is properly funding our education system.

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Oklahoma State Sen. Rob Standridge was appointed this week by President Pro Tempore Brian Bingman to represent the majority party of the Oklahoma State Senate at The Assembly of State Legislature’s meeting in Washington, D.C. next week.

The Assembly of State Legislatures is a bipartisan group of state legislators from across the country who recognize that the states have a responsibility under federalism to work together to solve problems of national concern.

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Senator Standridge Named Majority Whip

OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Rob Standridge was recently named to a Senate leadership role after being elected as a Majority Whip.  This will be the Norman Republican’s second session as he was elected in November 2012.

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In recent months, candidates for elected office across Oklahoma have promised to fight against our ever-expanding federal government and its growing intrusion into our lives.  Invoking the language of our founders, they lament the loss of state sovereignty but rarely recommend workable solutions to the problem. Our nation’s founders always feared an oppressive federal power and taught us that it’s our duty to free ourselves from oppression and reestablish our union.  

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Three state legislators are working with a conservative think tank to ensure that welfare is used as the temporary safety net that it was designed to be rather than a long term crutch. Last week, Sen. Rob Standridge worked with the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs (OCPA) in hosting a forum on welfare reform in Oklahoma along with Rep. Jason Nelson and Rep. Tom Newell. The featured speaker was conservative political activist Star Parker who discussed her visionary ideas on empowering those trapped in the welfare system.
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Legislation that will encourage water districts and municipalities to expand the state’s supply of water through reuse and conservation has been signed by the governor.

Sen. Rob Standridge, author of Senate Bill 1187, said his proposal establishes state policy to facilitate reuse efforts, and specifies permitting requirements for projects.
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After advancing through both houses of the Legislature today, a proposal that will enable water districts and municipalities to more efficiently undertake water reuse projects will move to the desk of the governor. Sen. Rob Standridge, author of Senate Bill 1187, said reuse should be an important part of the state’s long term vision for water.

The bill establishes policy to facilitate reuse projects, including permitting requirements.

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The state Senate this week approved legislation designed to combat the sale of dangerous synthetic drugs. House Bill 2666, by Rep. David Derby and Sen. Rob Standridge, would bring a number of synthetic drugs under the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act.

Standridge explained that the sale of such drugs, particularly synthetic marijuana, has emerged as a health and public safety problem for which there is little regulation.
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The state Senate this week advanced legislation that would encourage water districts and municipalities to expand the state’s supply of water through reuse and conservation.

Senate Bill 1187, authored by Sen. Rob Standridge, establishes state policy to facilitate water reuse projects, and establishes permitting requirements.
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