
Sen. Greg Treat’s Press Releases

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Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat commended the governor’s move to increase oversight of state agencies’ pursuit of federal grant money.

The governor on Tuesday issued an executive order that according to the Governor’s Office “requires state agencies, boards or commissions to first submit any grant application for review to the office of the Governor and for approval by the Secretary of Budget before the agency’s final submission to the funding source.” read more.

Bi-partisan, Bi-Cameral Working Group Will Meet This Summer

House Speaker Charles McCall and Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat announced the formation of a bi-partisan healthcare working group today to develop an Oklahoma solution for increasing access to healthcare and providing insurance coverage for more citizens.
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Education, health care and mental health services, criminal justice policies, and retirement issues are among the topics approved for interim studies in the Oklahoma Senate.

The Senate President Pro Tempore’s Office on Tuesday released the list of 72 interim studies.
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The Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency (LOFT) oversight committee will meet for the first time later this month at the Oklahoma Capitol.

LOFT is legislative office created this year in a bill by House Speaker Charles McCall and Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat. LOFT will provide the public and policymakers with independent, objective research and data on state spending and program evaluation and performance.
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Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat on Tuesday announced the senators who will serve on the bipartisan, bicameral oversight committee for the Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency (LOFT).
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Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat has named Senator Roger Thompson as co-chair of the Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency (LOFT) oversight committee.

Senate Bill 1, signed into law recently, created LOFT to serve as an independent office to provide the Legislature and the public with objective data on agency budgets and programs. LOFT will be overseen by bipartisan committee of Senate and House members. The Senate president pro tempore and the House speaker each name a co-chairs and members of the oversight committee.
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Legislation strengthens landmark 2013 reforms

The Oklahoma Senate on Wednesday gave final approval to legislation that preserves and strengthens landmark workers’ compensation reforms adopted in 2013. House Bill 2367 passed unanimously and now goes to the governor’s desk for consideration.

Senator Julie Daniels, Senate Judiciary Committee chair, is the Senate author of the bill and said HB 2367 clarifies and secures the reforms while addressing a number of issues that have arisen since passage of the original bill.
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Senate approves state budget
Budget includes huge investment in classrooms, teacher & state employee pay raises, and criminal justice reform funding

The Oklahoma Senate on Tuesday gave final approval to the state budget, which includes huge investments in public school classrooms, a teacher and state employee pay raise, as well as significant investments in criminal justice reforms all while saving $200 million.

The Fiscal Year 2020 budget bill, House Bill 2765, passed on a 37-11 vote.
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The Oklahoma Senate on Monday passed a bill that provides increased classroom time for students beginning with the 2021-2022 school year.

Senate Bill 441 was one of four agenda items of Senate Republicans for the 2019 session. The bill passed the Senate on Monday by a 30-16 vote.
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Governor Kevin Stitt, House Speaker Charles McCall, and Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat announced on Wednesday the Fiscal Year 2020 budget deal.
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