
Sen. Carri Hicks’s Press Releases

Showing: March, 2022

OKLAHOMA CITY – On Monday, the Senate passed Senate Concurrent Resolution 21 commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Irish Senate and the birth of democracy on the Emerald Isle. Authored by Senators Carri Hicks, D-Oklahoma City, and Mary Boren, D-Norman, the resolution also recognizes the role Irish immigrants have played in Oklahoma history and celebrates the creation of the American Irish State Legislators Caucus in Oklahoma.  

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OKLAHOMA CITY – The Senate approved legislation Wednesday to bring Oklahoma in line with federal standards regarding infant screenings. Senate Bill 1464, by Sen. Carri Hicks, D-Oklahoma City, would require the state Health Department’s (OSDH) screening list to be updated regularly to match the federal Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP).

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The Senate adopted March 9 as March of Dimes March for Change Day in Oklahoma through Senate Resolution 28, recognizing the advocacy organization for the

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