
Legislative Briefs
Select a brief below to view the PDF.
2018 Legislative Briefs
2016 Legislative Briefs
2014 Legislative Briefs
2012 Legislative Briefs
2011 Legislative Briefs / Common Education
2011 Legislative Briefs / FY’12 State Budget Overview
2011 Legislative Briefs / State Government Consolidation
2011 Legislative Briefs / State Pension Systems
2011 Legislative Briefs / Reapportionment and Redistricting
2011 Legislative Briefs / State Questions
2010 Legislative Briefs
2009 Legislative Briefs
2008 Legislative Briefs
2006 Legislative Briefs / State Questions
2006 Legislative Briefs / Tax Measures
2005 Legislative Briefs / Higher Education Bond Issue
2005 Legislative Briefs / Tax Measures
2005 Legislative Briefs / Workers’ Compensation Reform – SB 1X (Morgan/Hiett)
2004 Legislative Briefs / Breast and Cervical Cancer
2004 Legislative Briefs / Gaming
2004 Legislative Briefs / Health Care (Various Issues)
2004 Legislative Briefs / Issues Referred to Oklahoma Voters
2004 Legislative Briefs / Pseudoephedrine and Meth Labs:
2004 Legislative Briefs / Retirement Legislation
2004 Legislative Briefs / State Employee Pay Raise
2004 Legislative Briefs / Tar Creek
2004 Legislative Briefs / Tobacco Taxes and Other Tax Changes:
2004 Legislative Briefs / Tort Reform - HB 2661
2003 Legislative Briefs / Business and Economic Development Measures
2003 Legislative Briefs / Digital Driver Licenses - Finger Imaging
2003 Legislative Briefs / Retirement Legislation
2003 Legislative Briefs / Smoking in Public Places and Indoor Workplaces
2003 Legislative Briefs / Strategic Planning for Oklahoma’s Military Facilities
2003 Legislative Briefs / Tort Reform
2003 Legislative Briefs / "Bond Issues" Senate Staff Interim Presentation
2003 Legislative Briefs / "Budget and Revenue" Senate Staff Interim Presentation
2003 Legislative Briefs / "The Courts/Crime/Public Safety" Senate Staff Interim Presentation
2003 Legislative Briefs / "Health and Social Services" Senate Staff Interim Presentation
2003 Legislative Briefs / "Human Services" Senate Staff Interim Presentation
2003 Legislative Briefs / "One Stop Shop Trucking" Senate Staff Interim Presentation
2002 Legislative Briefs / The Community Hospitals Authority Act
2002 Legislative Briefs / Cost of Living Increases Affecting Retired Public Employees
2002 Legislative Briefs / Health Insurance Coverage for Education Employees
2002 Legislative Briefs / Homeland Security
2002 Legislative Briefs / Issues Referred to Oklahoma Voters (State Questions)
2002 Legislative Briefs / Oklahoma Department of Transportation
2002 Legislative Briefs / Oklahoma Water Sales
2002 Legislative Briefs / Pro-Business Legislation
2002 Legislative Briefs / Reimbursement to School Districts, Counties and Other Property Tax Recipients
2002 Legislative Briefs / Smoking In Public Places
2001 Legislative Briefs / Breast and Cervical Cancer Related Legislation
2001 Legislative Briefs / Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Status Report
2001 Legislative Briefs / Graduated Driver Licensing System (Revised)
2001 Legislative Briefs / Health Insurance Related Legislation for Public Employees
2001 Legislative Briefs / Miscellaneous Legislation Related to Public Employees
2001 Legislative Briefs / Retirement Legislation Affecting Public Employees
2001 Legislative Briefs / Tuition at Institutions of Higher Education
2000 Legislative Briefs / Child Support Guidelines
2000 Legislative Briefs / Electric Restructuring
2000 Legislative Briefs / Fraudulent Driver Licenses
2000 Legislative Briefs / Health Care Legislation for State and Education Employees
2000 Legislative Briefs / Highways
2000 Legislative Briefs / Licensing and Regulation of Building Crafts/Trades
2000 Legislative Briefs / Motor Vehicle Tags and Taxes
2000 Legislative Briefs / Public Construction and Renovation
2000 Legislative Briefs / Red River Boundary Compact
2000 Legislative Briefs / Retirement Legislation for Public Employees
2000 Legislative Briefs / State Employee Pay Raise
2000 Legislative Briefs / Tobacco Settlement Funds
1999 Legislative Briefs / Business-Related Legislation
1999 Legislative Briefs / Graduated Driver Licensing System
1999 Legislative Briefs / Senate Employees Benefit Legislation of Interest
1999 Legislative Briefs / State and Education Employees Health Benefits Legislation
1999 Legislative Briefs / State, Education and Local Governmental Employees Retirement Legislation
1999 Legislative Briefs / State Employees Pay and Personnel Legislation
1999 Legislative Briefs / Tornado Disaster Relief
1999 Legislative Briefs / Vehicle Tags and Taxes
1998 Legislative Briefs / Session Tax Cuts
1998 Legislative Briefs / Session Tax Cuts (Parts II)
1998 Legislative Briefs / Central Purchasing Reform
1998 Legislative Briefs / Child Protective Services
1998 Legislative Briefs / Changes in State Laws on Tax Administration
1998 Legislative Briefs / Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations
1998 Legislative Briefs / Education (K-12)
1998 Legislative Briefs / Health Care
1998 Legislative Briefs / Highways
1998 Legislative Briefs / Older Oklahomans
1998 Legislative Briefs / Poultry Feeding Operations
1998 Legislative Briefs / Retirement and Other Benefits for Education Employees
Retirement and Other Benefits for Firefighters
1998 Legislative Briefs / Retirement and Other Benefits for Justices and Judges
1998 Legislative Briefs / Retirement and Other Benefits for Police
1998 Legislative Briefs / Retirement and Other Benefits for State Employees
1998 Legislative Briefs / Retirement and Other Benefits for State Law Enforcement Officers
1998 Legislative Briefs / Rural Housing
1998 Legislative Briefs / Small Business
1998 Legislative Briefs / Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma Funding Issues
1998 Legislative Briefs / Technology Transfer
1998 Legislative Briefs / Telephone Charges