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Zone of Safety for Children Sent to Governor

Sen. Nichols explains new "zone of safety" law.

A measure creating a zone of safety for Oklahoma children has been sent to the governor for his consideration. Senate Bill by Senator Jonathan Nichols, RNorman, and coauthored by Representative Kevin Cox, DOKC, would prohibit any person convicted of lewd molestation, rape or sodomy from being within three hundred feet of a school, child care facility or playground.
Schools and playgrounds are considered to be safe places for our children, but we need to be sure of this. With this new law, were telling child molesters to keep out and stay away, explained Senator Nichols.
Under SB , a first offense would be a misdemeanor. Subsequent violations would be a felony.
It is horrifying to think that when you let your child go to a community playground, one of these criminals could be lurking nearby just waiting for the opportunity to strike. As a former prosecutor, I know that it happens. Thats why our children need this zone of safety. Under this legislation, if these predators come within 300 feet of a school or park, they could find themselves behind bars, said Senator Nichols.

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