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Young releases statement regarding Fiscal Year 2023 budget

State Senator George Young, D-Oklahoma City, released the following statement regarding the proposed Fiscal Year 2023 state budget.  

“As the Senate was presented with the current budget Wednesday, I felt very unprepared to vote on this important piece of legislation. We know this will guide our state’s expenditures, which the people of Oklahoma have entrusted to our care. The money in the budget is comprised of state taxes, which we are all responsible for paying.

“We have almost $2 billion used in this budget that are one-time funding sources from the federal government. We have tax cuts with a refund to each citizen of the state included in the budget, which honestly, is negligible to many Oklahomans at $75 for individuals or $150 per couple, but quite frankly very significant to others. Why give everyone this rebate instead of directing these funds toward areas where it would have a greater impact? It would be prudent for us to designate these funds to those who would feel the impact the most.

“I’m told this budget has been a work in progress since the end of last year’s legislative session, yet this is the first document or bit of information concerning this budget I’ve seen. We have a $1.5 billion surplus, and it’s been requested to increase our savings account instead of raising teacher salaries, lessening healthcare disparities, and increasing opportunities to help our children bounce back from learning deficits caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. And yet, we’re told that increasing the state’s savings account is a top priority.

“I’ve not had any other information regarding this budget, but I’m asked to quickly vote on the measure that will control the financial direction of our state. That is extremely unfair to not only me, but the citizens of Oklahoma. This bill, which carries the budget, is due more attention by those of us who approve it. To have more information and a bit of additional time to study the content is important, and due to the constraints of this process, I’m forced to vote no on this budget.

“While there are some very good points, including raises for Oklahoma Highway Patrol Troopers and Department of Public Safety salaries, increased funding for developmental disabilities, decreasing the wait time for services, and increased mental health funding – I have simply not been given enough time to go through the budget line by line and ensure it is the absolute best use of our taxpayer dollars as a whole.

“My job as a legislator is to vote on legislation that creates new statutes and a complete budget. Spending a few days on this significant measure and without access to the full budget forced me to vote no on Senate Bill 1040, which was the budget request.”