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Weaver proposes legislation to designate strangulation as an 85 percent crime

OKLAHOMA CITY –Sen. Darrell Weaver, R-Moore, recently filed Senate Bill 1236, a measure aimed at addressing strangulation offenses. Weaver, drawing on his experience in law enforcement, advocates for reclassifying strangulation as an 85% crime, reflecting the severity and potential danger associated with this form of violence.

Strangulation poses a significant threat not only to the immediate victims but also serves as a red flag for potential escalation into more severe forms of violence. Recognizing the need for comprehensive measures to combat domestic violence, Weaver emphasizes the importance of holding perpetrators accountable for this dangerous act.

“Strangulation is not just a singular act of violence; it often serves as a precursor to more severe forms of abuse. By reclassifying strangulation as an 85% crime, we send a strong message that these actions will not be tolerated, and that we’re committed to protecting victims and preventing further harm.” Weaver said.

The proposed legislation aligns with broader efforts to strengthen the legal framework addressing domestic violence and serves as a proactive step towards creating safer communities for all Oklahomans.

SB 1236 can be considered in the 2024 legislative session, which begins Feb. 5. 


For more information, contact:

Sen. Darrell Weaver at 405-521-5569 or email