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Taylor Applauds Republican Support for Texas Plan

Statement by Senator Stratton Taylor,
Senate President Pro Tempore

"I applaud Sen. Dunlap for his endorsement of the Texas Plan. When he originally announced his opposition to the initiative two weeks ago, I was concerned, but didn't question his decision."

"I am hopeful that we can work together to put the Texas Plan to a vote of the people, instead of tossing partisan barbs at one another. The reason that I asked OU and OSU to help draft this program was to keep the issue above the partisan fray. This Texas Plan should be debated on its merits, not treated like a political football. Doing anything less would be a disservice to voters."

"I believe that we can pass the Texas Plan this session and quickly submit it to a vote of the people. This will allow us to take bold action and completely eliminate the income tax and the sales tax on groceries. It's critical that we consider the entire tax code, instead of settling for a piecemeal approach that focuses on just a single area. For example, the grocery tax repeal is especially important, given the positive impact it will have on middle income families. The Texas Plan gives us an opportunity to enact true reform, rather than just tinkering around the edges of an outmoded tax system."

"In the coming weeks, I look forward to working with Sen. Dunlap to make the Texas Plan a reality."

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Senate Communications Division - (405) 521-5605