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Statement from Sen. Mary Boren regarding session next week

Sen. Mary Boren, D-Norman, released the following statement Friday afternoon regarding her decision to remain home when the legislature reconvenes next week to protect her family.

“I’m the primary caregiver of my 81-year-old father who has been experiencing extensive health problems, and must only get out if absolutely necessary.  My husband is also a front-line healthcare worker who has to limit his exposure to ensure best care for his patients.

“Mayor Breea Clark has issued many proclamations to encourage Norman citizens to stay at home.  I applaud her leadership, and I will honor it.

“I’m torn between my responsibility to represent Senate District 16 by attending session and my obligation to protect my family. However, my family’s safety must come first.  I know I’m not alone in this situation as many caregivers are having to sacrifice their professional roles to prioritize the healthcare needs of family, friends and neighbors. When this is over, those of us who are caregivers will know that we did all we could to keep our loved ones as healthy as possible.

“I’m continuing to answer emails and phone calls from home so I encourage my constituents to continue reaching out to me if I can help them in any way.” 




For more information, contact:
Sen. Boren: (405) 521-5553


MAKE IT COUNT OKLAHOMA! Census Day is April 1 and Oklahoma needs a full count. An undercount in the census of just 2 percent can cost the state $1.8 billion in lost federal money over the next 10 years. Fill out your census form, Oklahoma. Learn more