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Statement from Sen. George E. Young, Sr. opposing push to give governor more power over state agency heads

Sen. George Young, Sr. Sen. George Young, Sr.

State Senator and Legislative Black Caucus Chair George E. Young, Sr. released the following statement in opposition of the legislative push to give the governor the ability to hire and fire agency heads in the state’s largest agencies.

“Senate Bill 456, authored by the Pro Tempore of the Senate, is a bill to consolidate and increase power within the office of the Governor, but I am concerned this move would ultimately be detrimental to the state. The measure attempts to control the governing boards of several of the major agencies that serve the citizens of Oklahoma. Those boards act as independent points of governing and not as independent bodies.

I have a unique perspective on this issue, as years ago I was nominated by a senator and approved by the Senate to serve as a Commissioner for the Department of Human Service (DHS). I took my responsibility seriously. I distinctly remember we, as commissioners, were certainly not autonomous. As budget chair, I remember being grilled by the Senate Appropriations Committee regarding every DHS budget. I took my responsibility seriously to oversee and work with the agency director regarding any hiring and firing authority. Now that the commission has been disbanded, I believe DHS is less effective, is negatively impacted by low morale and is generally more difficult to navigate. Undoubtedly, the removal of non-compensated oversight is sorely missed. In regards to Senate Bill 456, I’m of the opinion that we should consider making changes, but we shouldn’t destroy the system while we’re trying to improve it. The state will lose more than it gains by giving the Governor more authority over the hiring and firing decisions within our largest agencies.”

Contact info
Sen. Young: (405) 521-5531