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Senator Coates Asks Governor Henry to Declare Sunday Day of Prayer for Oklahoma

Senator Harry Coates Senator Harry Coates
Sen. Coates asks Gov to declare Sunday a day of prayer for Oklahoma.

State Senator Harry Coates has sent a letter to Governor Brad Henry requesting that this coming Sunday be declared a day of prayer for the State of Oklahoma. Coates said his district, which includes Seminole as well as parts of Lincoln, Pottawatomie and Oklahoma Counties, has been especially impacted by the wildfires which have destroyed homes and property throughout the state.

According to the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, another 23 fires were reported on Wednesday burning approximately 10,500 acres. Since November 1, 2005, more than 361,000 acres have been destroyed because of wildfires.

“I simply suggested a day of prayer for Oklahoma—we need prayers for rain, for the people on the front lines fighting the fires and for other volunteers like the Red Cross. We also need to pray for those who have suffered losses in these fires,” said Coates, R-Seminole.

Coates said he was very appreciative of how quickly both Governor Henry and Lt. Governor Mary Fallin responded to the emergency. He also praised the response of local churches.

“Our churches in this district and throughout the state have stepped in to help provide meals to our volunteer firefighters and collect clothing and other items for folks who’ve literally lost everything,” said Coates. “They too deserve our thanks and our prayers.”

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