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Senate Rules Committee Member Joe Sweeden Comments on Vote to End Republican Political Stunt

Senator Joe Sweeden Senator Joe Sweeden
Calls Brogdon Term Limit Bill Nothing More than Sour Grapes

If Senator Brogdon (R-Owasso) were truly serious about term limits for statewide elected officials, he would trust Oklahomans to begin their own initiative petition process, rather than use government to interfere with the decisions made by Oklahomans every four years at the ballot box.

Unlike Senator Brogdon and the Republican members of the Senate Rules committee who voted for the bill today, we dont believe it is governments responsibility to take the rights away of Oklahomans to make their own decision when they exercise their right to vote.

We didnt see a big push for term limits on statewide elected officials when Republicans held key statewide offices and I think everyone can see his bill for exactly what it is: sour grapes over a 2006 election year gone bad for Republicans across the nation and what is shaping up to be a momentous election year for Democrats in 2008.

Contact info
Senator Sweeden's Office: (405) 521-5581 Email: