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Senate Republicans Unveil 2013 Legislative Agenda

The Senate Republican Caucus discusses their agenda for the 2013 legislative session  at a state Capitol press conference Tuesday. The Senate Republican Caucus discusses their agenda for the 2013 legislative session at a state Capitol press conference Tuesday.

The Senate Republican Caucus on Tuesday released their agenda for the 2013 legislative session. Senate President Pro Tempore Brian Bingman said this agenda represents Senate Republicans continued focus on the economy, education, and infrastructure.

“Senate Republicans are intensely focused on creating the best business climate possible,” said Bingman, R-Sapulpa. “Pro-growth policies are the guiding light for our caucus agenda – whether we’re talking about fixing our runaway workers’ compensation system, reducing the tax burden on Oklahomans, or putting additional dollars in the classroom.”

Senate Republicans identified six public policy areas important to the success of their pro-growth agenda.
1. Jobs and the economy
Wholesale reform of Oklahoma’s runaway workers’ compensation system
Reduce the tax burden on families, individuals and businesses
Reform Oklahoma’s pension system to ensure we can meet our commitments in the future
2. Education
Support and fund historic education reforms
Promote efficiencies in education

Increase the number of Oklahomans with post-secondary degrees and industry certifications
3. Transportation infrastructure
Remain committed to the full funding of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation’s eight year plan

Responsibly repair and maintain taxpayer-owned capital assets.

4. Health and human services
Increase the number of doctors and health care professionals in underserved areas throughout Oklahoma

Continue working with the Department of Human Services to ensure healthier and safer lives for families, children, the elderly, and the disabled
Improve healthcare in Oklahoma through free-market principles
Return the state Medical Examiner’s office to full accreditation
5. Public Safety
Affirm protecting our families and children from violence as a top priority
Combat the sale and use of illegal drugs and illicit prescription drugs

Combat the manufacture and distribution of illegal drugs
Continue to defend the Second Amendment rights of Oklahomans.

6. Veterans Issues
Pursue restructuring and additional oversight of the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs
Promote mental health services for returning veterans

Contact info
Sen. Bingman: (405) 521-5605