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Senate President Pro Tempore Mike Morgan Statement on Voter ID

“For the second consecutive day, the Senate Republican caucus has put politics ahead of the Oklahoma people. This is typical election year tricks the GOP trots out to divert the dialogue on real solutions for Oklahoma families, like access to affordable healthcare coverage.

The so-called “Voter ID” bill is bad policy for our citizens and straight out of the Karl Rove school of election year posturing. It is another way to disenfranchise senior citizens and minority voters.

The bill was fraught with loopholes that could be manipulated. Real reform takes real commitment to address problems. This bill answered none of those questions, but further muddied the water.

I encourage the Republicans to spend as much time and energy on providing adequate healthcare to our citizens as they do on these types of partisan games.”

Contact info
Senator Morgan's Office: (405) 521-5695