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Senate President Pro Tempore Mike Morgan Responds to Republican “Bait and Switch” Political Move

Says Oklahomans Care More about Affordable Health Care

“It’s so sad Republicans seem to be so focused on political issues that do nothing to make health care more affordable for our citizens. If they would have done their homework they would know what Oklahomans want more than anything is access to affordable health care.

“They demand action from the Legislature on this most very important issue. They want us to reform the broken insurance industry so insurance company executives aren’t making record breaking profits on the backs of the sickest and most vulnerable among us.

“Republicans continue to throw up road block after road block and today’s press conference is no different. It’s a classic Republican “Bait and Switch” tactic to try to distract Oklahomans from learning about the disturbing trend of Republicans killing important legislation making health care more affordable for all Oklahomans.

“We aren’t going to allow this election year trickery to distract us from our mission to bring Oklahomans a government that works for them. Oklahomans care about health care and the sooner the Republicans understand that, the sooner Oklahoma can become a healthier place to live, work and raise a family.”

Contact info
Senator Morgan's Office: (405) 521-5695