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Senate President Pro Tem Coffee Response to Governor's State of the State Address

Sen. Glenn Coffee Sen. Glenn Coffee
Q&A following Governor's address.


“The governor delivered a straight and honest message to the Legislature and the people of Oklahoma today. I have not yet had opportunity to study the Governor’s budget, but the working relationship between the Governor, the Speaker and I has been very good as we’ve dealt with this unprecedented fiscal challenge, and I anticipate the cooperation will continue.

“We now have an opportunity for a thorough examination of government programs, and to identify the areas in which the state is not most efficiently spending taxpayer dollars, and to eliminate wasteful programs.

“I’m sure we’ll have disagreements on specifics as we move forward with crafting the 2011 budget, but his call for surgical cuts and bipartisan cooperation is one that worked well in our last budget crisis in 2003, and one I believe we can replicate this session, and that we can embrace on both sides of the aisle. I trust we’ll look long-term, and consider what kind of government we leave for the next generation of leadership. This is a time for the elected leaders of Oklahoma to work hard and conscientiously for the people of our state, and to work in unity.”


Contact info
Sen. Coffee: 405-521-5636