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Senate Pres. Pro Tem comments on unanimous Senate override of HB 2461 veto

Sen. Brian Bingman Sen. Brian Bingman

President Pro Tempore Brian Bingman issued the following statement after the Senate voted on Thursday 39-0 to override the governor’s veto of HB 2461. The legislation requires a sheriff or chief of police to execute any request for documents relating to the purchase of firearms defined by the National Firearms Act within 15 days if the purchaser is not prohibited from possessing a firearm. With the Senate joining the House in the override, HB 2461 will now become law.

“Oklahomans are staunch advocates of the second amendment. The Senate’s unanimous vote reflects the will of Oklahoma citizens that we should do everything in our power to defend and uphold those rights.” –Pres. Pro Tem Brian Bingman, R-Sapulpa.

Contact info
Sen. Bingman: (405) 521-5605