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Senate Democrats Thwart GOP Attempt to Lower Tax Burden on Oklahoma Seniors

Senator Glenn Coffee said a procedural move by Democrats has thwarted Republican efforts to cut taxes for retirees. Senator Coffee was referring to a measure that would have eliminated half of the state income tax for retirees once the economy improved.

“This session I authored legislation aimed at giving tax relief to older Oklahomans. SB 550 was never even given a committee hearing,” said Coffee, R-OKC. “On Tuesday, I attempted to include that language in another bill on the Senate floor, but the Democrats stopped the amendment in its tracks. Their action was a blow to Oklahoma retirees and to economic development.”

Senator Coffee noted that the plan to give Oklahoma’s seniors income tax relief was one of Governor Brad Henry’s campaign planks for helping grow the state’s capital base. Senator Coffee said he was disappointed the governor had remained silent on the proposal during legislative debate on the issue.

“During past economic downturns, the Legislature has come together to create opportunities for growth such as the Quality Jobs Act and OCAST. It is important that the Legislature has shown it can balance the budget in a bipartisan fashion this year. But if we don’t combine that with a serious effort to jumpstart our state’s economy, it will be a disappointing session,” said Coffee.

Contact info
Senator Glenn Coffee Assistant Republican Floor Leader (405) 521-5636