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Senate Democrats Govern Responsibly; Republicans Continue Stumping for the Next Election Cycle

Senator Johnnie Crutchfield Senator Johnnie Crutchfield

Senate leaders warned Wednesday that Republicans are setting Oklahoma up for a fiscal crisis with a recent rash of irresponsible tax cut bills, geared heavily toward rich Oklahomans and giant corporations that, if enacted, will cripple the state’s ability to provide critical state services upon which all Oklahomans depend, including education, healthcare and rural fire protection.

“The House Republicans are acting like a group of politicians in an election year, and they are putting Oklahoma’s future on the line for their own personal gain,” said Crutchfield, (D-Ardmore) “They’re taking a firm stand for their rich friends and Senate Democrats are standing firm with our insistence on governing responsibly. “The House Republican Majority will take care of wealthy Oklahomans and giant corporations first—and that means Senate Democrats must work harder than ever to stand up for those that need help the most—hardworking families struggling to make ends meet.

Crutchfield pointed to a slate of investment bills the Democratic controlled Senate have passed in recent weeks that make significant investments in the state’s economic development engine—education. Oklahoma’s economy has produced a billion dollars in surplus revenue this year, and Senate Democrats are insisting that money be invested on Oklahoma’s most precious resource—the children, who are the future of this state.

“With a billion dollars in surplus, some of that money should be invested to make a brighter future for all Oklahomans. I hope House Republicans aren’t thinking of turning their back on these Oklahoma families that need their help the most,” said Crutchfield. “House Republicans are so addicted to power they don’t even seem to realize that governing is far more important that political rhetoric.”

Contact info
Senator Crutchfield's Office: (405) 521-5607