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Senate Approves Plan to Provide Access To Health Care for More Children

The full State Senate gave approval Thursday to legislation that will provide access to quality health care for more of Oklahoma’s uninsured children.

Senate Bill 424 is a major part of the Senate Democrats’ 2007 Legislative Agenda, but the measure was presented on the floor by Republican Senator Brian Crain. Crain co-chairs of the Senate Appropriations Sub-Committee on Health and Social Services with Democrat Tom Adelson, author of the measure.

The bill passed on a 28-14 vote with six Republicans joining 22 Democrats in favor of the measure.

Named the “All Kids Act,” the measure would increase the number of children eligible to receive Medicaid benefits in the state by closing the gap between those children presently receiving Medicaid benefits and those covered under private insurance held by their parents.

According to a recent New York Times poll, the majority of Americans (55 percent) believe ensuring healthcare for all should be lawmakers top priority.

Senate President Pro Tempore Mike Morgan credited both Adelson, D-Tulsa, and Crain, R-Tulsa, for winning passage of the measure.

“By far the largest group among the uninsured in our state are children who honestly fall though the cracks. Their parents don’t make enough to afford health insurance but make too much to be eligible for Medicaid. This legislation will provide a bridge, giving these children access to quality health care and allow them to lead healthy, productive lives,” Morgan, D-Stillwater, said.

The “All Kids Act” would increase Medicaid eligibility for children from 185 percent of the poverty level to 300 percent – the maximum allowed by the federal government. That will enable the state’s Medicaid program to provide coverage for as many as 42,000 additional children.

Currently in Oklahoma, children whose parents make $37,000 or less a year are eligible for Medicaid. Senate Bill 424 would increase that income ceiling to $60,000 a year.

State costs to provide the additional coverage are estimated at $8.5 million, allowing the state to draw down nearly $30 million in federal matching funds.

Contact info
Senator Morgan's Office - (405) 521-5605