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Senate Approves House Joint Resolution Proclaiming Ronald Reagan Day

Sen. Laughlin on measure paying tribute to President Ronald Reagan.

The State Senate approved a resolution Monday honoring President Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th President of the United States and one of America's favorite sons.

House Joint Resolution 1001 was authored by Rep. Thad Balkman (R-Norman) and Senator Owen Laughlin (R-Woodward), and then coauthored by all the Republican members from both the House of Representatives and Senate. It designates February 6th of each year as "President Ronald Reagan Day" in Oklahoma to commemorate the anniversary of the birth of the 40th President of the United States of America.

"President Reagan truly loved and cherished his country and it showed not only in his work but in his every day life. He was a public servant who spent his entire existence fighting for freedom and trying to help those who couldn't help themselves," said Sen. Laughlin. "For those Americans he served and represented while in office as well as those people around the world who treasure freedom, he will forever remain a hero in our hearts."

February 6, 2005 was the 94th anniversary of his birth and the first since his passing last year.
Reagan, a man of humble beginnings, worked throughout his life serving freedom and advancing the public good, having been employed as an entertainer, union leader, corporate spokesman, Governor of California and President of the United States. During his second presidential term of office, he won three-fifths of the country's votes and carried 49 of the 50 states in the general election - an unsurpassed historic record in American presidential elections.

"The overwhelmingly support he received from both parties in Oklahoma during his election just goes to show how truly special this man was in the eyes of the people. I think that kind of trust speaks volumes about Reagan and his tremendous character and strength of conviction," continued Laughlin. "His legacy of democracy and freedom is as an inspiration to us all and will never be forgotten."

The Senate passed a similar resolution, SR 2, at the beginning of the session designating February 6-12, 2005 as "Ronald Reagan Week" in the state of Oklahoma.

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Senate Communications Office- (405) 521-5774