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Senate Appropriations Committee approves legislation to fund Arkansas River Levee improvements

OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Cody Rogers, R-Tulsa, received approval from the Senate Appropriations Committee Wednesday for Senate Bill 1391. The measure designates funds to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board for improvements to levees along the Arkansas River.

“I am pleased that we were able to approve this legislation and will have the opportunity to consider it on the Senate floor,” Rogers said. “It’s incredibly important that this funding is secured as the levees are currently at high risk of failure, leaving thousands of Oklahomans in danger and more than $1 billion of infrastructure at risk of damage if levee overtopping or failure were to occur.”

Rogers encouraged affected Oklahomans to share their concerns on the current levee conditions.

“Oklahomans whose lives or property are at risk should be at the forefront of conversations regarding the ongoing safety concerns and the necessary improvement projects. I encourage them to reach out to their legislators to urge them to support this measure,” Rogers said. “I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues to advance this measure to the House of Representatives, where this bill has the support of Speaker Pro Tem Hilbert and more than a dozen other members who’ve signed on to co-author the bill.”

SB 1391 is now eligible for consideration by the full Senate.  


For more information, contact:  Sen. Rogers: (405) 521-5600 or