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Sen. Dahm files bill prohibiting feds from transporting Jan. 6 political prisoners through Oklahoma

OKLAHOMA CITY – Citing growing concerns of the federal government violating the rights of the people, Sen. Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, filed Senate Bill 1166 to prohibit political prisoners from being transported through Oklahoma.

“We’ve seen hundreds of American citizens being politically targeted by feds in this rogue regime,” Dahm said. “Many of them are having their rights that are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights denied to them.”

SB 1166, the “Prohibition on Political Prisoners in Oklahoma Act,” would define a political prisoner as a citizen of the United States who has been arrested, charged or convicted of any crime, other than a felony, relating to the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021.

“It’s well past time we stand up to this political thuggery being imposed on people who entered a building—a building which they own as citizens—through doors opened by police and security personnel to grant them access,” Dahm said. “Especially while the feds refuse to bring charges against dozens of their informants and agitators who seemingly instigated much of the chaos of the day.”

Dahm noted politically motivated charges selectively brought against American citizens who were at the Capitol building include entering and remaining in a secure building, disorderly and destructive conduct in a restricted building, parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a capitol building, and more.

“Many of these people are still being held in jail for a period of time longer than the sentence for the ridiculous charges being levied against them,” Dahm said. “We in Oklahoma need to stand up to this growing tyranny and put the feds back in the constitutional box intended to restrain them. And when they purposefully violate the Constitution we should do everything in our power to hinder them.”

The bill would prohibit any federal agency, entity or agent of the federal government to transport any political prisoner through Oklahoma via any means, including, but not be limited to, the use of any roads, conveyances, highways, interstates, airspace or any other points of transit.

“The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, not the whims of an incoherent puppet placed in the White House or a Department of Justice that stopped seeking justice a long time ago.” Dahm said. “Someone must stand up and lead the charge against this leftist lunacy. Jan. 6 was not an insurrection no matter how much the media mouthpieces try to gaslight us by saying it was. And if other Republicans continue to cower to protect their titles and ‘leadership’ roles, I will stand up for the patriots in this country and put the feds in their place—under us where they belong as our employees to actually serve us and protect our rights, not elevating them in return for federal money as if we’re their subjects to rule over.”

For more information, contact Sen. Nathan Dahm at 405-521-5551 or email