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Republicans Applaud Governor's Signature of Pro-Life Legislation


The three Republicans who authored pro-life legislation were encouraged Monday when the Governor signed into law Senate Bills 1890, 1891 and 1902.

Senator Todd Lamb (R-Edmond), author of Senate Bill 1890, said he believes these provisions reflect the values of our state and applauds the Governor in his bipartisan approval.

“We as a Republican caucus have stood consistently in support of pro-life measures and fought to protect the sanctity of life year after year,” Lamb added. “Today we saw the results of our hard work, as the Governor’s signature today is representative of the bipartisan support achieved behind these bills.”

Lamb’s SB 1890 would prohibit the performance of an abortion due to the sex of the unborn child.

Senate Bill 1891, by Senator Anthony Sykes (R-Moore) creates the Freedom of Conscience Act to permit an individual to refuse to participate in activities involving abortions, human embryos, fetal tissue or assisted suicide.

“Thanks to the provisions in SB 1891, Oklahomans who have strong moral or religious objections to these procedures will not be forced to participate in them, if they believe they are in direct contradiction with their beliefs regarding the sanctity of human life.”

Senator Clark Jolley (R-Edmond) authored SB 1902, which regulates the administration of RU-486, also known as the abortion pill.

“This legislation is vital in better protecting the health of Oklahoma women,” said Jolley. “SB 1902 allows only properly trained physicians to administer this prescription, and as a result of this legislation women have more information beforehand and a better follow-up procedure in place.”

The provisions in each bill were previously approved by the Legislature, but were prevented from taking effect because a court ruled they violated Oklahoma’s Constitution regarding single-subjects for legislation. With the Governor’s approval today, all three bills have been signed into law.


Contact info
Sen. Lamb: 405-521-5632 Sen. Jolley: 405-521-5622 Sen. Sykes: 405-521-5569