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Radical “Republi-cant’s” in the House are Holding Senate Measures Hostage

Senator Jeff Rabon, an assistant majority leader in the Oklahoma State Senate, said he is completely baffled by a decision from House leadership and their Republican committee chairmen who refuse to hear two bills aimed at making tomorrow better for Oklahoma children. Rabon said he has recently learned State Rep. Kris Steele is refusing to hear Senate Bill 666, aimed at curbing the epidemic of binge drinking in the state. He also said Rep. Sue Tibbs is refusing to hear Senate Bill 702, known as the Truth in Campaigning Act, aimed at increasing accountability for candidates seeking office.

“For a party that talks so often about morals and values, they sure have turned their backs on two bills that are based on morals and values,” Rabon, a Democrat from Hugo said. “Apparently they aren’t interested in taking the moral high ground on these two very important issues, and are instead, more interested in using their radical rhetoric for political grandstanding.”

Rabon said Republican Speaker Todd Hiett should allow the committee chairmen to hear these two bills and let the legislative process continue.

“Perhaps House committee members are overwhelmed with their new jobs right now. I am sure trying to learn how to govern for the first time in more than 80 years is very hard for them,” Rabon said. “But not hearing these two bills is depriving young children with an opportunity to learn lying comes with consequences.”

Rabon is referring to his Truth in Campaigning legislation that would subject anyone who knowingly lies about a political candidate or a ballot issue to a misdemeanor.

“Who knows, maybe House Republicans do not think it is important to teach our children that lying is wrong and perhaps they think protecting the sanctity of democracy just isn’t worth their time,” Rabon said. “If Republicans did find it important, they would hear the Truth in Campaigning bill.”

He also said that SB 666 is a reasonable attempt to deal with a serious problem in our state that allows establishments to participate in all-you-can-drink nights that offer Oklahomans alcoholic beverages for sometimes less than one dollar, virtually giving Oklahomans the green light to drink themselves to death. But the most important provision of the bill stiffens penalties for people who knowingly sell beer to Oklahoma children and also increases the penalties for minors who illegally posses alcohol.

“I would hate to think that I had an opportunity as a legislator to stop a senseless alcohol related death and instead, stood by and did nothing,” Rabon said. “And, if this bill doesn’t get heard in the House, that is exactly what House leadership and their committee chairmen are doing.”

Rabon noted that both measures passed the Senate with bi-partisan support.

“While House leadership continues to hold Senate bills hostage and play a political grandstanding game, Senate Democrats will continue the business of the people and pass meaningful legislation that will make tomorrow better for our children.” Rabon said.

Senator Rabon said he even has a resolution naming the state dinosaur that passed with bi-partisan support out of the State Senate. He said House leaders have sent the resolution to the House Rules Committee for the sole purpose of killing the measure.

“Surely between the time it takes House leaders to find their way around the Capitol and cut taxes for the riches Oklahomans, they could surely carve a few minutes out of their day to pass a few measures that reflect their so-called ‘family values’ agenda and either lead, follow or get out of the way.” Rabon concluded.

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