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Pro Tem Bingman statement on Oklahoma School Security Commission recommendations

Sen. Brian Bingman Sen. Brian Bingman

Senate President Pro Tempore Brian Bingman issued the following statement Tuesday in response to the issuance of the 2013 Report of the Oklahoma Commission on School Security. Lt. Governor Todd Lamb, chair of the commission and a former United States Secret Service agent, joined with 22 members of the commission at the Oklahoma state Capitol to announce policy recommendations regarding school security.

“There is no issue more important than the safety of Oklahoma’s school children,” said Bingman, R-Sapulpa. “I want to thank our commission members for their dedication to serving Oklahoma families. Their generous contribution of time and subject-matter expertise is greatly appreciated. I also would like to extend my gratitude to Lt. Governor Todd Lamb for leading the conversation to produce thoughtful, policy-driven recommendations for the legislature to consider.

“In creating the Commission on School Security with fellow legislative leaders, my hope has been and continues to be the development of forward-thinking proposals to address the issues surrounding school safety. While recognizing no single policy proposal can prevent all potential acts of evil, I do believe we can be proactive in providing greater resources for teachers, administrators, and mental health professionals in Oklahoma schools. I am committed to seeing that the recommendations of the commission are given an up-or-down vote on the floor of the Oklahoma state Senate.”

Contact info
Sen. Bingman: (405) 521-5605