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Political Contribution Reform Passes Senate

Sen. Glenn Coffee Sen. Glenn Coffee

The full Senate passed House Bill 1601 by President Pro Tempore Glenn Coffee on Wednesday, reforming the process of political contributions.

HB1601 prohibits attorneys from deducting or withholding any portion of a judgment from a court of law or settlement proceeds of a client for the purpose of political donation.

“There was documented evidence of hundreds of thousands of dollars being funneled into the campaign process by attorneys without the knowledge of their clients,” said Coffee. “This is wrong and this practice will be illegal when the Governor signs this bill.”

“It’s unconscionable that the party that claims to stand up for the working man would find it not only acceptable but advantageous that their strongest constituency group would take monies from aggrieved parties – proceeds that could well be their last paycheck – to advance their political agenda,” Coffee added.

“In any type of settlement, an individual should not be required to fund a political campaign or initiative they oppose, regardless of party affiliation,” said Pro Tem Coffee. “House Bill 1601 brings reform and accountability to a political contribution system that citizens can be confident in knowing is clean and fair.”

Contact info
Sen. Coffee's Office: 405-521-5636