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Oklahoma Legislative Latino Caucus reacts to signing of HB 4156

OKLAHOMA CITY – Members of the Oklahoma Legislative Latino Caucus said they were disappointed and deeply concerned after hearing that the governor had signed House Bill 4156 into law. Sen. Michael Brooks is chair of the caucus.

“Over the past two weeks, many Oklahomans have felt anxious about HB 4156,” said Brooks, D-Oklahoma City. “Our caucus has done our best to quell fear and address questions at various town hall meetings from Oklahoma City to Tulsa. It has been abundantly clear that folks across the state understand what is at stake — profound loss of revenue and workforce, strain on law enforcement, and expensive legal challenges. We have said from the very beginning that there are common sense policy solutions that we should be discussing, and I am disappointed that the governor chose not to revisit that conversation.”

Since the day that the Legislature sent the bill to the governor’s desk, his office has been contacted by many Oklahomans who wished to register their thoughts on HB 4156.

“I was definitely one of them,” said Rep. Arturo Alonso-Sandoval, D-Oklahoma City. “In addition to issuing public statements and speaking at town halls, I was glad to write a letter to the governor, and I am very grateful to everyone else who did. Thousands of Oklahomans poured out their hearts in emails, phone calls, letters and in person, urging for a better policy solution. This is an opportunity that has been missed.”

Despite the bill becoming law, members of the Latino Caucus still advocate going back to the drawing board and creating a more comprehensive and fair policy initiative.

“While the issue of immigration remains largely a federal-level issue, there were things we could do on the state level to secure Oklahoma’s future,” said Rep. Annie Menz, D-Norman. “The Legislature has the resources, the will, and the intelligence to create good and lasting policy, which HB 4156 is not. As a result of this bill becoming law, a lot of good, hard-working people will leave Oklahoma.”  


For more information, contact:
Sen. Michael Brooks: (405) 521-5557 or
Rep. Annie Menz: (405) 557-7386 or
Rep. Arturo Alonso-Sandoval at 405-557-7397 or