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Muskogee Delegation Welcomes Oklahoma Music Hall of Famers to State Capitol

Rep. George Fraught, Sen. Earl Garrison, Wanda Johnson, Byron Berline and Rep. Jerry McPeak pose in front of an 8-foot Telecaster guitar and with a Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame poster. Rep. George Fraught, Sen. Earl Garrison, Wanda Johnson, Byron Berline and Rep. Jerry McPeak pose in front of an 8-foot Telecaster guitar and with a Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame poster.
Sen. Garrison welcomes Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame representatives to State Capitol.
Dan Newell, president of the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame, talks about Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame.
Byron Berline talks about promoting the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame at the Capitol on Monday.
Oklahoma former Music Hall of Famer Byron Berline plays Whiskey Before Breakfast.

A delegation from Muskogee was at the State Capitol Monday to help raise awareness of the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame and museum. Sen. Earl Garrison welcomed the entourage from the floor of the Senate and praised their efforts to promote Oklahoma musicians.

"Oklahoma has an abundance of musical talent and it's wonderful that we have the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame to showcase that talent," said Garrison, D-Muskogee. "The Hall of Fame is not only a great thing for Muskogee, but for the entire state and we want everyone to realize what a treasure we have and this was our opportunity to do that."

The Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame was created in 1997 and since that time more than 40 Oklahomans have been inducted.

“Music is loved by everyone and that’s what’s so great about the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame,” said Dan Newell, president of the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame. “It attracts everybody whether your ninety or you’re my daughter who’s ten and who tells me every day, Dad Hinder needs to be in the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame. So it covers every generation and that’s what’s great about it.”

Two of the Hall of Fame's former inductees, Wanda Jackson (2000) and Byron Berline (1999), attended the special event where they signed an eight-foot Telecaster guitar that will eventually be on permanent display at the museum. Jackson is a star of both country and rock and roll music. Berline is a three-time national fiddle champion and founder of the annual International Blue Grass Festival in Guthrie.

"I think a lot of people over the years have realized that lots of great music has originated in Oklahoma. Gene Autry got his start here along with several country music acts, too many to name, as well as blues and rock and roll…" said Berline. "This state has been blessed with a lot of great musicians. So we hope everybody will come over to Muskogee sometime and support the museum and the Hall of the Fame."

Newell also presented Muskogee-area legislators, Sen. Earl Garrison, Rep. George Fraught and Rep. Jerry McPeak, with Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame posters autographed by all of the 2006 inductees.

Contact info
Senator Garrison's Office - (405) 521-5533